Birds of various sizes and shapes.....

I have gathered a few frames from my menaderings over the last few days.
Since BIFs are always well received, I'll start with a airborne Canadian

The next image is a Northern Mockingbird shot at 600mm at 1/13th of a sec. That is why tripods are so cool....

Cardinals are frequently seen this time of year...

As are grackles

This little rascal is a female RedWing Blackbird I believe...

And one more BIF with nice green background this time...

All shot with a 20D and a 300+2x.
Since BIFs are always well received, I'll start with a airborne Canadian

The next image is a Northern Mockingbird shot at 600mm at 1/13th of a sec. That is why tripods are so cool....

Cardinals are frequently seen this time of year...

As are grackles

This little rascal is a female RedWing Blackbird I believe...

And one more BIF with nice green background this time...

All shot with a 20D and a 300+2x.
Pathfinder -
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I have been trying to get closer. Thanks for taking a gander. You had some very nice shots over the weekend too, Brian.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
and BIF's are crisp
My Galleries
Thanks for you kind words
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I did not do anything to the grackles eye other than general sharpening of the wholeimage. I think it looks like the eye in this grackle shot also doesn't it?
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
Thank you Eric& Susan. I liked the poor little creature also - it looked kind of lost and frazzled. It sat there and just let me shoot away as long as I stayed at least 8 feet away.
Here is another frame of the frazzled look.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
TML Photography
The 400 f5.6 is substantially cheaper than the 300 f2.8 - maybe 1/4th the cost. But two stops is a lot to give up, because the the 2.8 aperature will accomodate a 1.4x or a 2x and still retain AFing ability. On the other hand, the 400 f5.6 is smaller and lighter and easier to carry around all day. In the end it depends on whether you can live with f5.6 and the lack of telextenders. For small birds, I could not.
Could I interest you in a 400 f4 DO perhaps. Great lens - evenlighter than the 300 f2.8 and tack sharp too. I love the lens, but a 400 2.8 is getting more appealing now that I know it will permit the use of a 2x and give me 800mm at f5.6
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
TML Photography