
Duplicate image delete

cyberdoscyberdos Registered Users Posts: 22 Big grins
edited March 23, 2009 in Finishing School
I'm looking for an application (preferably free) that will find duplicate images in my photo collection so I can delete them.

Something like this. Just something simple to use. I have hundreds of thousands of pics in my hard drive and want to start to get things organized.


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    NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited March 16, 2009
    cyberdos wrote:
    I'm looking for an application (preferably free) that will find duplicate images in my photo collection so I can delete them.

    Something like this. Just something simple to use. I have hundreds of thousands of pics in my hard drive and want to start to get things organized.
    I wrote something like for a client of mine who needed to clean up his fairly large collection before mass uploading to SM.
    It's not gonna be free, though, sorry..
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
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    codruscodrus Registered Users Posts: 71 Big grins
    edited March 19, 2009
    Nikolai wrote:
    I wrote something like for a client of mine who needed to clean up his fairly large collection before mass uploading to SM.
    It's not gonna be free, though, sorry..

    Finding multiple copies of the same file but with different file names is easy and free. Software that can figure out that two files are both pictures of the same tree is a lot harder.

    Aperture does some "auto-stacking" by using heuristics based on the timestamp in the exif info that identifes when the picture was taken. That'll get the files where you hit the shutter button three times in a row without moving the camera, but not pictures of the same scene taken on different days.

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    NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited March 19, 2009
    codrus wrote:
    Software that can figure out that two files are both pictures of the same tree is a lot harder.
    Hence my "not free" comment :-) mwink.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
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    IcebearIcebear Registered Users Posts: 4,015 Major grins
    edited March 21, 2009
    One usually does get what one pays for.
    John :
    Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
    D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
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    NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited March 22, 2009
    Icebear wrote:
    One usually does get what one pays for.
    +1 15524779-Ti.gifdeal.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
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    codruscodrus Registered Users Posts: 71 Big grins
    edited March 22, 2009
    Icebear wrote:
    One usually does get what one pays for.

    While that's certainly true for physical things, there's a surprising amount of high-quality free software out there, so it wasn't an unreasonable question for cyberdos to have asked, IMHO.

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    OspreyOsprey Registered Users Posts: 162 Major grins
    edited March 23, 2009
    What is wrong with the one you referenced? Quick look at it seems fine.
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