
Capture Sharpen Twice in ACR

gmitchel850gmitchel850 Registered Users Posts: 100 Major grins
edited March 17, 2009 in Finishing School
The typical advice for capture sharpening in Adobe Camera Raw is to set the Radius setting based on the details in a photograph.

For photos with lots of tiny details, a smaller Radius setting is often suggested. A wider Radius can obliterate tiny details. For photos with larger details and wider edges -- for example, portraits -- a wider Radius setting is usually preferred.

What if your photo contains both tiny details and larger features that can benefit from a wider Radius? You can capture sharpen twice, if you use ACR and you load your photograph into Photoshop as a Smart Object.

I produced a 7 minute video that demonstrates how to merge different capture settings for the same photograph with ACR and Photoshop.





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