
Export from Aperture to Smugmug

T. BombadilT. Bombadil Registered Users Posts: 286 Major grins
edited March 27, 2009 in Finishing School
Well I've searched, and read a lot - but I still not totally getting it. Much of the discussion on workflow is Photoshop-centric, so I'm not always clear how (and whether) it translates to Aperture. I'm stuck on some details.

I've been happy with Smugmug, but know that there are improvements I need to make in how I use it. I want to get to the point that I can buy "True Color" prints and be happy with them (so I will know anything wrong with them is my fault, and indicative of more for me to learn).

I shoot RAW, import to Apple's Aperture, make some adjustments, then export JPG to Smugmug via the ApertureToSmugmug plugin.

The plugin allows me to use any export "preset" that I have defined in Aperture.

Basically, I have 3 questions:

1) My export preset should specify the EZPrints color profile, yes? Or do I only use the EZ Prints profile for soft proofing and do the JPG create/export with "Use Source Profile" or something else (sRGB?)?

2) Should I set a check mark for Black Point Compensation?

3) Where do I specify sRGB colorspace (a thread on dgrin said it was important, but i don't see any way to tell Aperture to use it, except there is a colorsync profile named "sRGB rec611966-2.1").

Other settings:
Image Quality 12 (maximum)
Size to Original Size
DPI 72 (should be higher to order prints?)
Gamma Adjust (left it at lowest value = 1.00)
Colorsync Profile "EZ Prints 2008.1"
Check Black Point Compensation?
(watermark is an option, I'm not using).

Very grateful for any insights you can share.

Chooka chooka hoo la ley
Looka looka koo la ley


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    T. BombadilT. Bombadil Registered Users Posts: 286 Major grins
    edited March 27, 2009
    Any Aperture users out there?

    Would love to hear from someone who knows about color management.

    Chooka chooka hoo la ley
    Looka looka koo la ley
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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 27, 2009
    Hello, don't embed the ezp profile, just set the color space to sRGB and that's it thumb.gif
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    T. BombadilT. Bombadil Registered Users Posts: 286 Major grins
    edited March 27, 2009
    Andy wrote:
    Hello, don't embed the ezp profile, just set the color space to sRGB and that's it thumb.gif

    Thank You!

    Chooka chooka hoo la ley
    Looka looka koo la ley
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