
Just received first bay photo prints. Looking good.

Matt SMatt S Registered Users Posts: 120 Major grins
edited May 15, 2009 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
I just received a large order of prints done by bay photo and I must say I am pleased. Particularly with the die cut wallets. This was for a preschool shoot I did and having cut wallets was a BIG plus.

I will say as an FYI to others that Glossy is not going to be my default choice. There was nothing wrong with the glossy, but in 4x6 the glossy appears slightly soft, I think simply due to the paper and finish. At larger sizes of the same print are sharp, I attribute this to the details themselves being larger and therefor the appearance of it being sharper than the smaller size.

The other thing that happened is I inadvertently chose luster for a few of the 5x7's and wow they look great. I will default to that from now on. They are tack sharp and dead on for color. Also I found the color to be slightly better with the luster. The gloss seemed to be slightly (and I do mean slight) on the green side. I don't think I would have noticed except the backdrop for this shoot was neutral gray and I could see the difference putting the glossy next to the luster.

One other thing to note are highlights. In places the highlights push towards being slightly blown (cheek bones, forehead). I printed some of the same files at home last night on my Canon ipf5000 and it retains the details. I don't think this is a calibration issue (yes I calibrate) as the overall exposure and color of the prints look identical. I think that bay photos reproducible dynamic range may just be a little smaller than what I can do here.

I should note that I did not have bay photo "auto" correct color. Perhaps doing so would have addressed these very minor issues. I tend to be overly picky with prints as my part of my business is the selling of large fine art landscapes and wildlife, so take my nit picks with a grain of salt.

All in all very happy with the prints. :clap
Thanks, Matt

My Site


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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 17, 2009
    Matt S wrote:
    I should note that I did not have bay photo "auto" correct color.
    Thanks for the great post :D

    FYI, Color Correction at Bay is not "auto" it's done by humans (really talented ones!) and by hand, completely :D
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    Matt SMatt S Registered Users Posts: 120 Major grins
    edited March 17, 2009
    Andy you must live on this forum!!!bowdown.gif Yes I knew that they do it by hand hence the quotation marks around "auto". But still good to clarify for the forum. I intend to give color correction a try on the next order and compare the difference.

    Thanks again to smugmug for the excellent service.
    Thanks, Matt

    My Site
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    grickettsgricketts Registered Users Posts: 82 Big grins
    edited May 14, 2009
    Bay Photo Great Prints and Packaging
    I just received a large order of prints, 80, from Bay Photo. This was my first order from Bay Photo, and I just want to say WOW!

    The prints are superb, and just as important - the packaging was superb. The prints were well protected in such a way that any shipping damage would be nearly impossible.

    Bay Photo comes across as a first class outfit. But, then so does Smugmug.
    "The negative is the equivalent of the composer's score, and the print the performance." Ansel Adams
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    SarahMBSarahMB Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited May 15, 2009
    Awesome!!! Thank you both for the kind words!! All of us at Bay Photo always work hard to do our best, and love hearing that we are successful!
    Thank you!!!!

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