Removing Category Options?

ARWPhotoARWPhoto Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
edited April 3, 2009 in SmugMug Support
When I load photos to a new gallery, I'm putting them in very limited category options, all of which are custom.

How do I get rid of all the other options in the drop down menu of Send to SmugMug or the Basic Installer? For example, Airplanes, Food, Children, etc.

I see how to remove my custom categories through the Control Panel, but the others have me stumped. It's a long way to scroll down to get to "Portraits" which is where most of mine go, and I'm hoping someone can help speed that part up for me.

Thanks in advance,


  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,417 moderator
    edited March 17, 2009
    You can't remove the standard SmugMug categories.

    Others have requested this too, but it is not possible to remove them.

    --- Denise
  • ARWPhotoARWPhoto Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited March 17, 2009
    You can't remove the standard SmugMug categories.

    Others have requested this too, but it is not possible to remove them.

    --- Denise
    Bummer. If I'd anticipated this, I would have named all my categories starting with AA so they'd show up first! :lol:

    Thanks anyway. Hope someday it changes.
  • darryldarryl Registered Users Posts: 997 Major grins
    edited March 18, 2009
    This has bugged me for a long time too. I thought it shouldn't be hard to do with a GreaseMonkey script, but alas, while this works in the Firebug console, I couldn't get it to work as a script. Firefox complained that document.createForm was undefined. :-{

    If there's any other GreaseMonkey hackers out there, maybe they can take this and fix it:
    // ==UserScript==
    // @name           Hide SmugMug Categories
    // @namespace
    // @description    Hide certain SmugMug built-in Categories that you aren't using
    // @include        http://**
    // ==/UserScript==
    var tohide = new Array('Airplanes', 'Animals', 'Aquariums', 'Architecture', 'Art', 'Arts and Crafts', 'Births', 'Boats', 'Business', 'Cars', 'Children', 'Competitions', 'Computers', 'Dance', 'Electronics', 'Events', 'Family', 'Fashion', 'Flowers', 'Food', 'Friends', 'Funerals', 'Genealogy', 'Grandchildren', 'Groups', 'History', 'Hobbies', 'Holidays', 'Humor', 'Jewelry', 'Journalism', 'Landscapes', 'Machines', 'Military', 'Motorcycles', 'Movies', 'Music', 'Nature', 'Other', 'Parties', 'People', 'Pets', 'Photography', 'Politics', 'Portfolio', 'Portraits', 'Professional', 'Religion', 'School', 'Spirituality', 'Sports', 'Still Life', 'Street Scenes', 'Theater', 'Trains', 'Travel', 'Trucks', 'Underwater', 'Vacation', 'Video Games', 'Weather', 'Weddings', 'Woodworking', 'Zoos') ;
    var form = document.createForm ;
    for (i=0;i<=100;i++) {
    found = Array.indexOf (tohide, form.CategoryID.options[i].text) ;
    	if (found != -1) {
    		form.CategoryID.options[i].style.display = 'none' ;

    Glossary of terms
    GreaseMonkey = plug-in for Firefox web browser that allows you to automatically run any JavaScript you want on any page you load. Some other GreaseMonkey scripts for SmugMug include making the thumbnails on the bulk caption/keyword page larger by rewriting the <img> tags.
    Firebug = plug-in for Firefox that lets you debug Javascript using a "live" console.

    If all of that is Greek to you, I suggest you complain to, but don't hold your breath. They've got bigger fish to fry, as always. :-/
  • Micah WittmanMicah Wittman Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited March 26, 2009
    Smugscope Custom SmugMug Ui
    darryl wrote:
    If there's any other GreaseMonkey hackers out there, maybe they can take this and fix it
    Glossary of terms
    GreaseMonkey = plug-in for Firefox web browser that allows you to automatically run any JavaScript you want on any page you load. Some other GreaseMonkey scripts for SmugMug include making the thumbnails on the bulk caption/keyword page larger by rewriting the <img> tags.
    Firebug = plug-in for Firefox that lets you debug Javascript using a "live" console.
    I just wrote a GreaseMonkey script that will remove the default gallery categories, inspired by your post, darryl.

    Hope it gets to whomever wants this little customization.

    Everything you'll need is at link above, but for convenience I'll also put the direct link to the installer at here:

    The "Smugscope" part of the script name is from my more substantial project at . SmugScope is a custom filtered, linkable gallery listings of your SmugMug photo and video collection. If anyone is interested in beta testing it, you're feedback would be much appreciated.

  • darryldarryl Registered Users Posts: 997 Major grins
    edited March 26, 2009
    I just wrote a GreaseMonkey script that will remove the default gallery categories, inspired by your post, darryl.

    Oh thank god, somebody who actually knows how to write Javascript!

    Thanks Micah -- it works great!!!

  • darryldarryl Registered Users Posts: 997 Major grins
    edited March 26, 2009
    SmugScope looks very cool.

    Something odd is going on with the gallery counts in the bottom nav of this page though:

    (12/75)? There's only 4 galleries in that category.

    Also did you intend to auto-generate keywords? Because a lot of what you're listing as keywords (K:) are captions.
  • Micah WittmanMicah Wittman Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited March 27, 2009
    Thanks for the compliment, Darryl. I hope everyone who was looking for this little customization finds the new GM script.

    Regarding Smugscope - first of all thanks for checking it out, and for recording your thoughts.

    1) Keywords/Captions- Thanks for pointing out that Captions where getting mixed in with Keywords. It was one of those not seeing what was right underneath my nose situations. I just fixed it.

    2) Paging Navigation (gallery count at bottom) - This is a tougher one. It's currently a very basic construct so that some basic paging navigation works. My focus has been more on the search and filter aspects. Anyway, the "Next Page of ( 12 | 75 ) Galleries >" is not the typical paging concept - the 12 and 75 are static quantities.

    The search query + filters + 'max galleries' usually results in a subset of the total galleries that exist. Currently, Smugscope loops through the entire set of galleries only until the max paging size is reached. So, it doesn't know how many more galleries may still match the search/filter criteria until the next N are requested. Right now, the two options for paging N galleries are 12 (a reasonable default) and 75 (more to see on a page at once, but longer wait time for processing/rendering).

    When the paging mechanism is made smarter, I anticipate it will mature into a more intuitive concept.

    Thanks again for your feedback. Look forward to any other insights you may have as you play with it, and as iterative improvements occur over time.

  • TalkieTTalkieT Registered Users Posts: 491 Major grins
    edited March 28, 2009
    I just wrote a GreaseMonkey script that will remove the default gallery categories, inspired by your post, darryl.

    Hope it gets to whomever wants this little customization.



    Hey that's really cool...

    I have an idea for another script which I think would be easy for someone that knows this sort of thing....

    A script to create a single page with all the customisation from the various windows on the "site wide customisation" page as simple text, delineated with stuff like

    ************ CSS Starts here *********
    [css code]
    ************ CSS ends here ***********

    ************ Top Javascript starts here **
    [Top JS]
    ************ Top JS ends here *********

    I'm sure you get the idea... I try to remember to backup my customisation as often as possible, but I regularly forget, and I don't always back it up before I make changes... If there was a REALLY quick way to back it up to a file then I'd be more likely to make and keep regular point in time snapshots of my customisation.

    (For bonus points, resolve images in the code and save them as well in a directory :-)

    Is it the sort of thing that's easily doable with Greasemonkey? I have often though I should look under the hood, but have had a tough enough time learning enough CSS to be dangerous :-)

    Cheers - Neil G
    -- (
  • Micah WittmanMicah Wittman Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited March 30, 2009
    TalkieT wrote:
    Hey that's really cool...

    I have an idea for another script which I think would be easy for someone that knows this sort of thing....


    Cheers - Neil G

    Neil, I'm working on it. Stay tuned. I'll probably be able to post an update to with some sort of backup feature in a day or two.
  • TalkieTTalkieT Registered Users Posts: 491 Major grins
    edited March 30, 2009
    Neil, I'm working on it. Stay tuned. I'll probably be able to post an update to with some sort of backup feature in a day or two.

    Wow - that's awesome... I look forward to it and I'm sure it will save a bunch of people some headaches..

    Cheers - N
    -- (
  • Nata HarliNata Harli Registered Users Posts: 18 Big grins
    edited April 3, 2009
    A Noob Question
    I'm at work and stuck with IE so can't download this or test it but I do have a question.

    My understanding is that this just works in Firefox. Is that correct?

    OK, two questions. Does this only work on my end or, if I run this program, can I set it so that viewers to my Smugmug account only see the categories I want left?

    Thanks for this program.
  • Micah WittmanMicah Wittman Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited April 3, 2009
    Nata Harli wrote:
    I'm at work and stuck with IE so can't download this or test it but I do have a question.

    My understanding is that this just works in Firefox. Is that correct?

    OK, two questions. Does this only work on my end or, if I run this program, can I set it so that viewers to my Smugmug account only see the categories I want left?

    Thanks for this program.

    Nata, yes, the customization script is designed for the Firefox plug-in GreaseMonkey, so it won't work with IE or other browsers. Since the script is a function of the browser (extension), it only applies to each person who has installed GreaseMonkey and the script in Firefox running on their own computer. For all intents and purposes, you'll see the effects of the customization, but your visitors will not.

    That said, I've got a project in development that provides a unique way of displaying, searching and filtering smugmug galleries (it's focused on your set of galleries, so browsing the photos themselves which still happens directly over on SmugMug).

    Here are some SmugScope examples using your SmugMug account:
    Show galleries (first 12 by default) of Category "Motorcycles":

    Show all with the word "Tim" (gallery names, categories and subcategories, along with image keywords and captions are searched) :

    Show 3 specific galleries (by gallery aka "album" ID):,4963858_BRhNW,4428127_A8Bsd&u=nataharli

    More explanation on the Help page:
    The future of SmugScope is as yet undetermined, but I'm considering providing hosted service based on it.

    Any feedback you might have as to its usefulness / functionality, please let me know.

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