loaded standard watermark - not recognized
I have created a gallery for watermarks and loaded a standard smugmug watermark to it. When I go to mark another gallery for watermarking in "customize", I go not get an option to select the watermark I downloaded. It populates with with "Smugmug"
Watermarking:? Yes: No: Auto watermark from now on?
Watermark:? SmugMug Which watermark should we use? How to create one.
How do I make it point to the watermark I uploaded?
Watermarking:? Yes: No: Auto watermark from now on?
Watermark:? SmugMug Which watermark should we use? How to create one.
How do I make it point to the watermark I uploaded?
You have to go to your watermark gallery and from Tools > this photo > more, pick "make into watermark". Give the watermark a name and set it's position up. Then save it and you would be able to use it.
Note: The watermark you uploaded is very small - only 720 px wide. We recommend having watermarks set to 1600 px width. It seems that you right-click saved the watermark from the sample gallery. To get the original, you would have to use the 'save photo' button. Use the original as your watermark instead.
More on that can be found in our watermarking help page.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks Sebastian.
I did not understand that I have to do the "make into watermark" piece.
I will give it a try.