Holiday Weekend Hiking
Things at work have been quite busy and I haven't been on as much as I would like. I did get out to do a little hiking this weekend. Here are a couple of shots from Ricketts Glenn close to where I live.

As always, comments are appreciated.

As always, comments are appreciated.
Thanks for sharing.
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Thanks for the comments! - Stan
We have a very similar waterfall close to where we live and I was hoping to get some shots this weekend. As it happened, we left the anti-bug spray at home and it was not possible to linger more than a couple of minutes.
Your shots have inspired me to get back in there, I'll blame you for every mosquito bite I get
Actually, I grew up in Ohio close to Dayton and spent most of my life their. The last 13 years have been in Pennsylvania and I love the hills and the wildlife. - Stan
Thanks for the comments and I'm happy to take the blame. The bugs aren't too bad here but my wife and I will be heading up to Bar Harbor in a few weeks. This year we are going up a few weeks later in the year than we normally do and I hope the horse flies are less active.
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Thanks for your comments, Jeff. I am still learning myself, but I'm happy to share. I shoot RAW format on a Nikon D70 with a Tamron 28-300mm lens. The exposure for the 2nd shot was 4/10 second at f/25. I was shooting in aperture priority keeping the aperture as small as possible and the shutter speed as long as possible. After each shot, I was checking the histogram in the camera and changing the exposure compensation as necessary. The ISO was set at 200, lowest possible for that camera. I don't have a ND filter or I would have used that to help reduce the light.
I used the Photoshop Camera RAW plug-in to tweak exposure, brightness, and contrast. Once in Photoshop, I cropped it and I may have tweaked the sharpness a bit.
Nothing as relaxing as a nice waterfall shot. These are very nice indeed