
Lightroom Export for SmugMug guidance

bobrandklevbobrandklev Registered Users Posts: 39 Big grins
edited March 23, 2009 in Finishing School
Last fall I upgraded to a Canon 50d and Lightroom so it's been a crazy past 6 months trying to get up to speed but I need some help/guidance on exporting for SmugMug.

My reason for posting this is to find a simple/consistent way to export photos and but choose my minimum desired file size after export like 4mb for the commercial download on SmugMug?

I shoot RAW so my files start over 15mb and then when I export at 100% they are around 10mb each, 90% nets around 7-8mb each and 80% nets under/around 4mb. The other problem is the file sizes fluctuate but that is dependent on the amount of data in the photo which I understand.

I took some photos of my friends in a band one night and I have a couple hundred photos to upload so I don't want them at 10mb each but there are other times when I want to export at 10mb or more but I'd like to choose.

Is there a plugin out there for LR that I can choose my minimum export file size?

I've also installed the LR to SmugMug plugin and I love it but I can't choose the export size?

Problem is now I've exported 200 photos keeping original image size but set the quality at 80 and now I have files ranging from 1.7mb to 6.2mb due to cropping and adjustments.

I'd like to click an options saying "Export keeping image size and minimum file size to be 4mb?"

If this isn't possible maybe I'm just approaching this the wrong way? Any other ideas? Is there a suggested size, image size, dpi, etc for uploading to SmugMug so clients can order from the catalog of photos, merchandise, etc..?
Bob Randklev

Canon 50d, Canon 17-55 IS 2.8, Canon 28-235 IS 4.5-5.6, Tamrom 200-500, Lightroom, Photoshop CS4 and a bag full of other stuff!

SmugMug: www.BobFoto.com

Blog: http://BobFoto.com

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    digidronedigidrone Registered Users Posts: 280 Major grins
    edited March 22, 2009
    I have been useing the regular export menu to control file size, and exporting to another folder, built for this purpose.
    I then re-import to lightroom and upload with smug plugin.
    I then delete folder when I'm finished.
    The regular export menu will let you control file sizes with different options.
    Hope this helps...
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    digismiledigismile Registered Users Posts: 955 Major grins
    edited March 22, 2009
    If you are trying to keep the original dimensions of your 50D pictures (rendered as jpegs), the only way to limit the file size is with compression.

    As you become more agressive with compression, you start to lose detail. Not a good thing! What you really want is a smaller resolution image with sharp detail. Letting a program decide the compression to minimize the file size could cause a lot of quality problems.

    If you are using Jeff Friedl's LR plugin or something similar, simply resize the photos to something like 3000 x 3000 (so that the longest side of the image will be 3000 pixels), or whatever you find suitable. This is large enough to easily print an 8x10 and the file size will probably be around/just under a meg (will depend on the photo, the amount of compression, etc.).

    If you want to upload full size, just uncheck the re-size check box.

    just my 2 cents,
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    jhelmsjhelms Registered Users Posts: 651 Major grins
    edited March 23, 2009
    I was in the same boat and here's what I started doing (it's been working great).

    I setup a few export presets:

    1) High res .jpg backup - I use this for files that may be printed as enlargements, 8x10 or larger. I output them to 100% jpg, no compression, no re-sizing, and low sharpening for glossy paper. My D200 RAW files will convert to jpg's of similar size to what you mentioned above.

    2) 2Upload - For 90% of my files, they may or may not be printed but I've found these settings will get my RAW's to 1mb or so and they still look good printed at 8x10. I do jpg compression of 80% and resize to 'longest side = 2000 pixels' and sharpen usually for screen or for glossy at medium / regular. I found that gave me a large enough size for most any screensaver / background of current monitors, it gave me a nice looking print at 8x10, and it gives me a small file size that is easily uploaded.

    Now, if I'm dumping a ton of pics into LR, I'll import them with a preset, run through them and make 'keep and delete' choices, and then quickly export them with the "2Upload" preset and then start the upload to SM and go to bed.

    If it's a paid shoot or special occasion I'll use the 1st preset that I made above.
    John in Georgia
    Nikon | Private Photojournalist
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    cmasoncmason Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
    edited March 23, 2009
    I think you are approaching it the wrong way: File size is going to vary as the pixels in the image vary. Compression will make the biggest difference in file size, but since the files themselves vary, so to will the compressed file sizes. The problem with your approach is that in order to acheive it, you will need to vary the compression, and this means that each image will have a different quality level. An image with lots of pixel info will be subject to lots of compression, and look very poor compared to other shots. (this is even if you could find a way to vary compression)

    Is there some limitation that you are worried about? Do you have some cap on your bandwidth that would keep you from uploading? I export all of mine as 90% JPEG, and never worry about file size.

    Big uploads for me happen over nite...I just go to bed and don't worry about it. If there are problems with time outs, I simply use StarExplorer, which does bulletproof uploads, and can resume if there are issues.
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