At The Park
Been awhile since I posted, so figured I'd share a few new one's.
Wanting to practice some more stuff with post processing and after effects, as well as using natural lighting some more. Still need some practice on that, but like how these turned out & wanted to share.
1. Not as in focus as I wanted, and a few other things wrong but not to bad.

2. He plays so well with Daddy

3. He wanted one on the slide, but thought it turned out pretty good.


5. I told him to show me 'tough guy' and made a face. He copied pretty well and laughed immediately after the photo was taken

The last two are my favorite:
6. Day dreamer

7. I liked the perspective on this one and how the clouds turned out behind him as well.

Hope you like
Wanting to practice some more stuff with post processing and after effects, as well as using natural lighting some more. Still need some practice on that, but like how these turned out & wanted to share.
1. Not as in focus as I wanted, and a few other things wrong but not to bad.

2. He plays so well with Daddy

3. He wanted one on the slide, but thought it turned out pretty good.


5. I told him to show me 'tough guy' and made a face. He copied pretty well and laughed immediately after the photo was taken

The last two are my favorite:
6. Day dreamer

7. I liked the perspective on this one and how the clouds turned out behind him as well.

Hope you like

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#1 - Yup. A little soft and there are some distracting things growing out of his head.
#2 - Again - the blue bar growing out of his head.
#3 - This is a really nice shot. I would clone out the lighter colored bar growing out of his head, his shoulder, and elbow.
#4 - Very nice. Love the framing with the ladder. This one and #5 would have really benefited from a little bit of fill-flash to open up the shadows on his face.
#6 - This is my favorite of the lot. I can see why you like this one. Again, fill-flash would have helped eliminate some of the shadows across his face and added catchlights to his eyes.
Just my 2 cents worth. Thanks for sharing. You gave me a couple of ideas to try when we get some sun back here in Western Oregon.
Comments and constructive criticism always welcome.
70-200 f.28, 24-85