More protraits...Still learning
Started processing some portraits that I took on Saturday at an event at a local mall. I got a booth (for free) and gave out free 4x6 prints to get my name out there. Even got a good response from a lot of people, and a few that seemed very interested in having me do more portraits for them. (Of course, paid this time.)
I've learned a lot from all the helpful threads and links that everyone contributes in this forum, not only on how to take better photographs, but the PP part of it as well. So a big thanks to all of ya' for that!
Also found out that I love taking children's portraits. They are awesome and fun to work with!
Anyway, thought I would share some with ya'. I've got many more coming, so stay tuned.





BTW, if someone is on a calibrated monitor, could you give me an idea of how these look? Under- or over-exposed? Colors okay? I would really appreciate it. I've calibrated mine as much as I can by eye, but that can only get one so far.
I've learned a lot from all the helpful threads and links that everyone contributes in this forum, not only on how to take better photographs, but the PP part of it as well. So a big thanks to all of ya' for that!
Also found out that I love taking children's portraits. They are awesome and fun to work with!
Anyway, thought I would share some with ya'. I've got many more coming, so stay tuned.





BTW, if someone is on a calibrated monitor, could you give me an idea of how these look? Under- or over-exposed? Colors okay? I would really appreciate it. I've calibrated mine as much as I can by eye, but that can only get one so far.
Finished processing some more from the event. Starting to get a workflow that goes pretty fast.
C & C welcomed! Thanks for looking.
Told ya' I had a lot more.
You captured some great moments in some of these. Your skin tones, color, and white balance are all over the map...not in a good way.
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
-My Website - Blog - Tips for Senior Portraiture
[Yashica Lynx 14E | Canon 30D | Tamron 17-50 f/2.8 | 540ez | Cactus V4s]
I guess you need to have better contrasts on the faces.