The Beach
It rained for about the 10th day in a row today but somehow we ended up at the beach and it was beautiful there.

I especially like #'s 1, 2 and 4.

I especially like #'s 1, 2 and 4.
Funny how we think shooting in rain and grey days, sucks, it doesn't. I have the same mentality. The light can be fantastic, is the best light for many things, and the pleasant surprises are a joy. Plus, not as many people are there, they are all in the bookstores on a rainy day, I have done both.
It was pouring here all AM.
ginger (they let me into the concert ahead of others, with the ELDERLY, because of my hearing, or lack of it..............but I had wanted to take shots of the colors and umbrellas in the rain. Not umbrella, with so many tourists, there were many umbrellas. everywhere I looked.) It was sunny when we came out. No umbrellas or other props.
I really like #1 too, it seemed to look better before I changed the size though. I don't really know anything about editing pictures or graphics of any kind but I just used Paint to resize them down so that they weren't so huge. It looks like it kind of made it look less... sharp. Anyone know anything about this that can help me out? I'm trying to get a good graphics program but I am lacking on money right now, any free ones you can download anywhere?