Photo not found AGAIN - using random photo code

denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,418 moderator
edited August 27, 2009 in SmugMug Support
It's been a while since I saw this problem, but it's back, and my smug site is very unhappy.

I use the random photo code as documented in this post - - to build my homepage and to build my category pages.

There was a problem a number of months back where instead of showing a photo I was getting a "photo not found" image. This problem was corrected, but unfortunately it is back again. My smug site is not happy, and I am not happy either.

Here's what my home page is supposed to look like:
Here's an example of how it looks this morning:
The photo not found images appear to be random. Sometimes all images look fine. Sometimes some show as photo not found. And sometimes all of them show as photo not found.

The same thing happens on my Gallery page at

The same thing happens as I select pages from the gallery page.

My smug site is unhappy, and I am very unhappy too. I've temporarily added a warning message to the top of my site that indicates there is a problem with SmugMug, and I've also posted a blog entry with the same message since the problem is also seen on my blog.

Smug sorcerers - please help, and help soon!

--- Denise


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