Still trying to figure this stuff out
I know I asked the question before, yet after doing some research and talking to my wife (the studio kit is a surprise gift for her) I have come to the conclusion that I would like to get her a monolight kit. Can someone please direct me as to a good site and brand. I was told that some brands just dont cut, hence I do not know what is a good and what is a poor quality brand when it comes to this stuff. Mind you this is her first studio kit, one of my concerns is that I get all this stuff and she gets overwhelmed. I am just looking for the basics. She wants to shoot portraits and models.
I was advised of this kit from a freind, yet he too is starting out.
I have been told the following site has some good quality products|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1309|301:0|293:1|294:50
Any adivce would be appreciated. Also I keep running into this brand Smith Victor, is it something worth buying??
I was advised of this kit from a freind, yet he too is starting out.
I have been told the following site has some good quality products|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1309|301:0|293:1|294:50
Any adivce would be appreciated. Also I keep running into this brand Smith Victor, is it something worth buying??
B&H is a good company to deal with.
Alien Bees I have never used BUT I have used Lights by their parent company PAUL C BUFF.......I have always had great products from him and if I need to speak to someone they were more than welcome to help.
I buy background off ebay mostly but I only use one 10x24 blk muslin and I color it with colored gels from a theatrical supply here in town.
I have heard good things about flash point mono lights.
Advice given to me from a world reknown glamour photog about buying can start out with 3 but 4 is better and make sure all are the same model or at least have the same power output .....
good luck
I've been to the B&H but have no idea what kit to get, plus they carry various brands. I have no clue what to or not to get. Yet, I want to get her something reliable and of good to great quality.
If you want something more expensive, Scott Kelby did a nice write up on an Elinchrom set.
I do recommend at least 1 softbox but I recommend a 36" x 36" at least. I also use a 60" umbrella with a removable cover sometimes, especially for a remote shoot where I need to setup quickly and easily.
For the softbox I went with a "universal" clamp type similar to:|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50
I'm not crazy about the softboxes and how they go together or mount but they do the job and seem sturdy. I put them together once and then transport them assembled if need be.
I am strongly considering the Photek SoftLighter in the 60" size for the best combination of portability and utility.
Radio slaves are important for event shooting and I use something similar to the Cactus units:
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Something I am familiar with will be Alien go for the mid range AB800.....get 4 if you can afford it.
I also use their brolly boxes a soft box shoot thru umbrella combo..........really nice and inexpensive.
light stands......max height 10' can start out with inexpensiveones from ebay or even Amvona
Background a very dark grey or blk muslin is most usable and easy to color
Gel holder....lik this: NRG GEL HOLDER ......ONLY NEED 2 for the back lights
Radio Frequency remote triggers ...... need 1 reciever for each light and at least 2 sugestion is 6 recievers and 3 transmitters
ebay RF Triggers >>>>>>>>>>> RD616: 16Channel Slave trigger ..... so you don't have sync cords going to any of the lights......also the AB's have built in optical slaves so if one light flashes they all do.
the 1st 3 tiems are all you actually need to start work.....aside from a camera and lens.......all the others make creativity grow and flourish
In studio, radio transmitters are nice but not a REQUIREMENT. The ABs have an optical slave in them that will cause the strobe to fire when it senses another flash. So, it's quite easy to trigger them with either a camera on-board flash or an external (i.e., a Canon 580EX) pointed away from the subject(s) and set to a very low power (so that it doesn't contribute to the exposure).
For location shooting, some sort of RF triggers are just about mandatory. More money gets you better range and/or better reliability.
Lightstands. One for each strobe (D'oh). They come in at least two different basic flavors. Those that are air cushioned and those that aren't. I didn't get the air cushioned ones and now wish I had. The first time you get careless and the lightstand collapses when you slightly loosen a clamp - well, I've gotten blood blisters from the event. The air cushioning prevents them from suddenly collapsing on you.
It might also be a good idea to get a backdrop lightstand - a very short lightstand to position the strobe behind the subject(s) to light the backdrop. I don't have one, wish I did - I currently use a stool of the appropriate height to get the job done.
Light modifiers - Art and Ziggy have already covered that in more than adequate detail - no sense repeating that information - besides, they know more about it than I do
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