Sony a200 Question
I just bought my wife a monolight kit. Lol, just found out the her camera an a200 does not have a sync attachment, so I need to get her a hot shoe adaptor. This said, I figure I would rather get her the equipment to set her lights off without having to use a sync cable. I called sony and they were no help. They told me I didn't need anything extra, yet looking at the camera there is no sync cable inlet.
What do I need to get her so she can go wireless with her lights?
What do I need to get her so she can go wireless with her lights?
I suggest you start out with 2 sets of these, the reason they are electronic and could just quit no reason......electronics can do that.........I really like them I have a total of 5 recievers and 3 transmitters.......I like extras of this type of equipment.
PC cables only spell diaster for a photog......I have had people trip over them and pull camera off things,,,,,,,never had a tripod pulled over but once they get tripped on they seem to not work any more.....I have a small box full of PC cables from 5" to 30' long.....yep that is 30 feet......I wanted to have freedom in my studio and in churches or out on location and 1 flash had to be triggered by camera to trigger the optical slaves on the other I refuse to use the optical except in my studio and rely on Radio Frequency Wireless slave trigggers the RD616 is a great inexpensive unit.
Good Luck
Thanks, other then this piece of equipment do I need anything else to convert her equipment to wirless? Does she still need a hot shoe adaptor?
yes a shoe adapter to go from Sony to ISO's have a special shoe and I have sen on ebay adapters to go from sony (konica minolta) to ISO for around $12 out of Hong Kong-shipping is usually 2 or 3$ or even free at times.
If she is not going to be out doors or on locations with others shooting flash....then her pop up flash should fire the studio units.....she does need an incident exposure meter suchas as a sekonic 358 or a good used one like a Minolta Flash Meter lll (also takes ambient readings without flash).....these can save a photogs butt easily...especially when trying to cut down on work setting up shots and lights.......
YES....that will fire the slave trigger without a pc cable.
if there is anything else let me know.