

jhelmsjhelms Registered Users Posts: 651 Major grins
edited March 31, 2009 in Finishing School
Some of my photographs need to be resized to an exact W x H pixel count. I've tried exporting in LR using the reduce to W x H section but it seems that LR misses the H portion by 1 pixel (short) - even when I up the H portion by an extra pixel.

My imported .nef RAW files are 4x6 ratio, but the W x H ratio that I need to end up with is a 5x7 ratio (if that matters).

If LR won't do this for me, is there another program that will batch process this crop/reduce export that I need?

I also have PSE7.0, Picasa, etc. but would prefer not to have to buy another program to get this done.

John in Georgia
Nikon | Private Photojournalist


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    TheSuedeTheSuede Registered Users Posts: 23 Big grins
    edited March 27, 2009
    Some FREE examples:


    And of course:

    -which does involve som manual text command writing - but quality of resizealgorithms is up with the best.

    mogrify -filter lanczos -resize [x-dim]x[y-dim] *.tif

    is all it takes to batch a folder full of images.

    But faststone is more "clickety-click" if that's your style.

    Good luck!
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    Thunder RabbitThunder Rabbit Registered Users Posts: 172 Major grins
    edited March 30, 2009
    Howdy, folks.

    To change a 4x6 to 5x7 without a crop will distort the image (it will be smooshed along the horizontal axis). You can do this in Photoshop, using the resize command with the "Constrain Proportions" unchecked. You can't do it in LR2. Usually, no one wants to.

    So, your 4x6's need to be cropped. You can't do this in the export function. But you can crop a batch of images to the same crop using the "Sync Settings" button in the Develop module. Select the Crop tool (R), and in the right panel, go to aspect ratio and select "5x7". You will see a crop frame at maximum size. A little will be clipped off either end. Hit "Enter" or double on image. Now, select the other images you want to crop (hit Crl+A to select all). Hit "Sync " (lower right). A dialog box appears. Uncheck everything except crop. Hit "Synchronize". All your photos will be cropped to 5x7. This can be accomplished in as little as three clicks or commands, once you're in the Develop module. Now, if you want. You can go back and adjust the crop. You can slide the full size crop left or right, or make sure the aspect ratio is locked and resize the crop, maintaining your 5x7 ratio. (Photoshop RAW works essentially the same way.)

    Now you are ready to export.

    The resize in the export box works perfectly for me. You are saying that if you enter a width of 800, you get 799, but if you enter 801, you don't get 800? What do you get? Note: The Image Sizing function does not resize images to the height and width you set. It selects a maximum height and width, and resizes the images so that the maximum parameter of your image is the same as the maximum parameter you selected in the Image Size box. An image at 800x400, exported to 400x400, will yield an image at 400x200, not 400x400. The same image, exported to 400x100, will yield an image at 200x100, not 400x100. The Lr export function always maintains the aspect ratio.

    In any case, in all but the smallest images, it's hard to imagine that one row of pixels along one edge is going to make any perceivable difference. (I suspect this problem is related to the note above.)

    The key is crop first, then resize, or your images will be distorted. Crop and resize are two different funtions. And cropping 4x6 to 5x7 loses 7.3% of the image on the long axis. No way around it.

    Crop or distort. The choice is yours.

    Thunder Rabbit

    Thunder Rabbit GRFX
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    jhelmsjhelms Registered Users Posts: 651 Major grins
    edited March 31, 2009
    Howdy, folks.

    To change a 4x6 to 5x7 without a crop will distort the image (it will be smooshed along the horizontal axis). You can do this in Photoshop, using the resize command with the "Constrain Proportions" unchecked. You can't do it in LR2. Usually, no one wants to.

    So, your 4x6's need to be cropped. You can't do this in the export function. But you can crop a batch of images to the same crop using the "Sync Settings" button in the Develop module.
    Thunder Rabbit

    What I ended up doing in LR2 is to CTRL+A, then click crop ratio (in the LIBRARY setting, so I didn't use the Develop module and Sync settings) and choose 5x7, boom it does that, then I export to the 334x240 size using an export preset.

    It's working great and FAST so far...
    John in Georgia
    Nikon | Private Photojournalist
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