
My First Post

polyyapolyya Registered Users Posts: 37 Big grins
edited April 6, 2009 in Sports
First of all my name is Pablo, i´m from Spain. Im proud to be here between such amazing photographers. Hope this place could be a kind of school for me. I´m a self-taught person, so i have to learn day by day for a long time and from people like you. Hope to be able to contribute a little in this place. Here it´s a picture i shooted a couple of years ago in the Mentawai Islands (Sumatra-Indonesia), i was learning to stay in the water with my Master "Timo Jarvinen" one of the best watermen on the world, I was scared bu the strength of the waves and the nearly reef so i decided to stay a little further from the beating point and meanwile i shoot him in action. Hope you like the shot. For me represents how we use to work...dsc7016.jpg


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    RBrogenRBrogen Registered Users Posts: 1,518 Major grins
    edited March 26, 2009
    Hi Pablo and welcome to DGrin. This is a great capture. I think that you could enhance the "WOW" factor with it though with some minor processing in Photoshop. It may be the monitor that I'm here at my office but the shot appears to be a bit dark and has a lot of noise in it. If you adjust the levels and drop some of the noise I think that would go a long way and perhaps look at the saturations.

    What camera gear and settings did you use for this shot?

    Randy Brogen, CPP

    Member: PPA , PPANE, PPAM & NAPP
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    polyyapolyya Registered Users Posts: 37 Big grins
    edited March 26, 2009
    RBrogen wrote:
    Hi Pablo and welcome to DGrin. This is a great capture. I think that you could enhance the "WOW" factor with it though with some minor processing in Photoshop. It may be the monitor that I'm here at my office but the shot appears to be a bit dark and has a lot of noise in it. If you adjust the levels and drop some of the noise I think that would go a long way and perhaps look at the saturations.

    What camera gear and settings did you use for this shot?


    Thank you for your wellcome RB, on that time i was using the D2X, the shot was taked underwater in the late evening without flash and that´s the matter of the aparent noise but underwater there are a lot of particles mostly on that place near the coral life, the shot was too dark so i had to make it clear with the NX and then make a color temperature correction, underwater the colors look different and that´s the matter because the strange colour of the wall of the wave. I don´t like to process too much the pictures just a little to let them look like they really are and in this time believe me that it looks like if you where there with a mask watching the action- Thanks for your valuable help my friend
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    Darren Troy CDarren Troy C Registered Users Posts: 1,927 Major grins
    edited March 27, 2009
    Awesome shot....perfect timing! thumb.gif
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    PenquinPenquin Registered Users Posts: 42 Big grins
    edited March 27, 2009
    Welcome to dgrin Pablo,
    I am also new to this forum. At first I felt hesitant to post, but quickly learning this is a great place to learn from, which is part of why I joined. Just like you, I hope I have something to offer.
    Again, welcome.
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    SoonerShawnSoonerShawn Registered Users Posts: 128 Major grins
    edited March 27, 2009
    Hey Pablo, welcome to DGrin...I'm a newbie here too. I really like this. Mostly the way the surface of the water looks from underneath. Very neat! Must be a neat feeling to shoot the surf from under.
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    PremiumMaltPremiumMalt Registered Users Posts: 41 Big grins
    edited March 28, 2009
    Nice shot. I was just in Spain durring december 08 and part of January 09. Went for 2 weeks. Stayed in Salmanca(is that how you spell it?)Unfortunatley, this was before I got my camera :(
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    ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,920 moderator
    edited March 29, 2009
    The perspective this shot offers is simply amazing. Quite a first post thumb.gif
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
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    KCBearcatKCBearcat Registered Users Posts: 164 Major grins
    edited March 31, 2009
    ian408 wrote:
    The perspective this shot offers is simply amazing. Quite a first post thumb.gif

    Ian, you put it so much nicer than I would... I was just going to say, "You lucky rat bastid..." mwink.gif

    Seriously, though, that is one amazing capture and I'm just jealous as hell that you have the kit to pull that off... bowdown.gif
    Alan H.
    Camera Gear: Canon 400D (XTi), 18-55 f/3.5-5.6, 75-300 f/4.0-5.6, 70-200 f/4 L, 50 f/1.8 II
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    polyyapolyya Registered Users Posts: 37 Big grins
    edited April 6, 2009
    KCBearcat wrote:
    Ian, you put it so much nicer than I would... I was just going to say, "You lucky rat bastid..." mwink.gif

    Seriously, though, that is one amazing capture and I'm just jealous as hell that you have the kit to pull that off... bowdown.gif
    Hey Alan i´m selling all that equipment to buy new stuff, so as you see it´s not oo difficult to have it, then you have to swimm like in hell buddy but that´s another question isn´t it?
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