My Dogs - Shots From my New Lens

Thanks to suggestions from Ziggy and others in the equipment forum, I picked up a Nikkor 50mm/1.8 lens a couple of days ago. I've tried it on 2 occasions so far, with mixed results. I had plenty of light outdoors but when trying to shoot at lower apertures (Aperture priority) I was forced to raise the ISO. I was probably exposing on the wrong part of the scene. And don't ask why I had a -1.3 exposure comp--it's probably that I forgot to reset the bracketing from some HDR shots!
Overall, I'm happy with the results. Here are a few indoor shots of my dogs for your enjoyment.
1. Josie, with Sepia treatment (indoors, no flash, ISO 800, f3.2, 1/200, exp comp -1.3)

2. Darby (indoors, no flash, ISO 800, f3.2, 1/60, exp comp -1.3)

3. Josie (same, with f2.5/ 1/160)
Overall, I'm happy with the results. Here are a few indoor shots of my dogs for your enjoyment.
1. Josie, with Sepia treatment (indoors, no flash, ISO 800, f3.2, 1/200, exp comp -1.3)

2. Darby (indoors, no flash, ISO 800, f3.2, 1/60, exp comp -1.3)

3. Josie (same, with f2.5/ 1/160)

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Nice looking Hounds, really like the 1st image as well, the one of Darby isn't his best side, maybe a different composition or perspective, he's a good looking boy !!!? The 3rd image shows pretty clear and sharp eyes with a neat expression.
I don't care for Watermarks either, I think they really distract from viewing the image, and not necessary, especially for images of only 61K to 167K.
Burleson, Texas
I apologize for the watermark. I use a less intrusive one now but I inadvertently loaded the wrong images in this thread. I typically don't even use watermarks when I post for critiques. For those who commented on the watermark, thanks for catching it.
Have a nice day--Lauren
Lauren Blackwell