The Plantation Guards______________IR

Howdy All,
One from the Southern Louisiana Trip, Houmas House Plantation.

Shot with modded D70S, Thanks for looking.
One from the Southern Louisiana Trip, Houmas House Plantation.

Shot with modded D70S, Thanks for looking.
Take care,
Burleson, Texas
Burleson, Texas
Great capture on this one. This shot really emphasizes the design of these old Southern homes....the way they were built to provide a cool environment in the hot months.....with the large, open porches keeping the sun out of the house and helping the wind to swirl around the structure.
Well done.
Thanks for that picture. Truly beautiful...
Not to hijack your thread, but here is a little history of Houmas House.
Howdy Tom,
Thanks very much, as you well know, they are such wonderful examples of great Architecture, and like you said, they can be very cool even on the hottest days, lessons we maybe needing.
Thanks again, Take Care,
Burleson, Texas
Thanks very much, it is indeed a Beautiful and Wonderful place. We were so lucky to have been invited to a Wedding right before Christmas, and had the evening of a lifetime there, so warm and inviting folks, and we were invited to Tour the Home after Dinner, what a place, so much History but they made sure that everyone knew it was a Home and we were Guests in that Home, so by the time we left we felt like Family:D We loved Houmas House so much that we drove back out the next day on our way to NO to visit and view it during the Day light.
Such wonderful people, they have a great Chef, and we loved the Kids (Hounds, he said lovingly<g>) we didn't get to see the Twins, but did see Bo out for a run.
Your a lucky man for living that close, we can't wait to go back.
Great shots you posted, so many wonderful photo ops there.
Here's a few more
Kindest Regards,
Burleson, Texas
This is very nice but the images at your pbase link are spectacular. What a wonderful example of southern grandeur. I got a kick out of the sterno cans under the pot in the massive old fireplace. Also what in the world is the story behind that rusty old steel boat (DSC3666) ?? That would make an interesting post.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Nice one Craig
I much prefer the IR shot of the Property than the colour versions.
Looks to be a very interesting place to explore
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Howdy John,
Thanks very much, it was just such a wonderful place to see and shoot at. There were things at every turn of the head, they have really put together a superb collection of Old Southern Items.
The Rusty thing is supposedly a "Civil War Era" submarine, have tried to find out more about it, but so far haven't had much luck. I may have to write Mr. Kelly or get Nickatnite to find out for Me.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Skippy,
Thanks very much, so nice to hear from you:D
This part of Louisiana is one of my favorite places to go, and of course the Food and Hospitality is unbeatable.
Burleson, Texas