One light, one model

I've been teaching a class called "One Light Wonders" and have been experimenting with pushing this style so I called up a long time friend to sit down in the studio and play.
Basically you only allowed one light source and can manipulate the light anyway you please with reflectors, diffusers, flags, gobos, etc. and try to push what one light can do.
Enjoy, and yes C&C is always welcome.

Basically you only allowed one light source and can manipulate the light anyway you please with reflectors, diffusers, flags, gobos, etc. and try to push what one light can do.
Enjoy, and yes C&C is always welcome.

As to the last one - I'm purely amazed: is this one light? Man, you're good!
I love the idea. Most people would normally only use 1 light source for their photo's anyway... the sun.
Might take this idea into the studio myself, although I did try it out on family member about a year ago...
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The first images were shot using a 300W strobe with a 24-36 softbox with two inner panels and a grid on the exterior. It was maybe 5 feet from the model and I was shooting around f2.8-3.5 depending how I moved things around.
The last image was interesting the say the least. I have a 55X79 inch softbox with a neat little configuration I hacked together for the shoot. I removed the panels of half the softbox and turned it in landscape orientation so it would hit the backdrop and the model at the same time. I double up the lining on the one side and placed a flag that protruded slightly from the from of the softbox to basically turn it into two light, one diffused and one bare. It was definitely different to say the least but it worked and the effect could have much more easily been done with two lights so it's not something I'd ever do on a regular basis.
Thanks for the explanation! I suspected something like that, but definitely wasn't sure. It's great to know that it worked, though, in case I ever find myself in a situation that all my lights but one are gone/broke, yet I do need to pull off a HK setup:-)
Ummmm Nik, you own 150 lights....
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