A little muslin help!
Time to add a new purchase to the home studio. I have been using white paper for sometime, but would like to add a black muslin to the collection.
I would like to hang it over the paper stand, so i can easily take it down and put it back up. My concern is getting a muslin that is very thin, and will show the paper thru the front.
Is there a recomended source for "Thick" muslin, or is there even such a thing?
Where are the best values located as well?
I would like to hang it over the paper stand, so i can easily take it down and put it back up. My concern is getting a muslin that is very thin, and will show the paper thru the front.
Is there a recomended source for "Thick" muslin, or is there even such a thing?
Where are the best values located as well?
Ah HA! I should have thought of this. How about a new question....
How much trouble will I have making the background super black, in a room that is all otherwise white?
Use directional light and don't shine it on your backdrop.
Keep your light source as close to your subject as possible.
Place your subject as far in front of your back drop as you can.
Take test shots and gobo as needed.
Silver umbrellas are quite directional and work well.
Shoot-though umbrellas scatter light all over your room and will give you lots of trouble; if I have enough separation I'll use a shoot-through for fill a couple stops down but I will never use one as key.
Soft boxes are great because you can bring them in close and not worry too much about scatter.
The background for this shot was a white wall about 6 feet away...
Control your light well enough and it doesn't matter what the background is.
now LiquidAir tell us how you actually lit this....especially the egg:D......to show a sample with out diagram in this type of thread is cheating (tijoseph) to say the least.....
It doesnt get as dusty as you may think, I keep mine rolled up in the closet and hang it on the draps when needed.
with shipping I think it wasnt more than $40
It's not what you look at that matters: Its what you see!
Lighting for that shot:
One strobe with a very tight spot grid for the face. The stobe is placed to the left of the egg and behind the subject pointing about 30-40 degrees back toward the camera as a rim light.
Battery powered LED inside the eggshell.
On shoot-through umbrellas: I have several and use them quite a bit, but I find them problematic when I want deep blacks because they are rather indescriminate about where they scatter light.