Problems moving and arranging pictures

Arranging Photos:
Maybe it is related to the previous poster's problem (, but arranging pictures does not work correctly this evening.
When i arrange fotos and i view them in my gallery (customize gallery's "sorting" is set to "position"), the new arrangement is not always reflected. But sometimes it is.... very strange. Example:
If i go to that gallery (elegant mode):
then i see the correct sort-order.
Then i click on the next/2nd picture
... and the sort-order has changed!
(The problem can also be reproduced by going to and then hitting the browser's refresh button multiple times. Sometimes you will see the correct sort-order, sometimes not)
If i go to 'Arrange Photos' or 'Arrange Photos(Expert)' i may or may not see the pictures in the correct order, but 'Arrange Photos (Expert)' will always show the correct position-value for each photo!.
Is this a known problem?
Moving Photos:
I moved some pictures from one gallery to another. For a while i thought they disappeared all together. Then they re-appeared in the original gallery! As soon as i clicked on them, i got a message as if i was jumping into an empty gallery (a message urging me to add photos to this empty gallery).
After a while, the pictures appeared in the destitination gallery....
-- Anton Spaans.
Maybe it is related to the previous poster's problem (, but arranging pictures does not work correctly this evening.
When i arrange fotos and i view them in my gallery (customize gallery's "sorting" is set to "position"), the new arrangement is not always reflected. But sometimes it is.... very strange. Example:
If i go to that gallery (elegant mode):
then i see the correct sort-order.
Then i click on the next/2nd picture
... and the sort-order has changed!
(The problem can also be reproduced by going to and then hitting the browser's refresh button multiple times. Sometimes you will see the correct sort-order, sometimes not)
If i go to 'Arrange Photos' or 'Arrange Photos(Expert)' i may or may not see the pictures in the correct order, but 'Arrange Photos (Expert)' will always show the correct position-value for each photo!.
Is this a known problem?
Moving Photos:
I moved some pictures from one gallery to another. For a while i thought they disappeared all together. Then they re-appeared in the original gallery! As soon as i clicked on them, i got a message as if i was jumping into an empty gallery (a message urging me to add photos to this empty gallery).
After a while, the pictures appeared in the destitination gallery....
-- Anton Spaans.
I can't grasp the notion of time.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
I reset it several times and it always defaulted back to a random display order. Not sure what it means, but it sure is a pain when you are laying out galleries in a certain chronological order for event photography.
Maybe this little bump will get us both an answer?
I tried the rather inelegant hack of captioning XXX,YYY,ZZZ and attempting to sort by caption but it's still wonky.
I want the newest pictures to display first...
If you go to "customise gallery" in the gallery tools, you can set how pictures are sorted in the gallery. In the look and feel section you can set the sort direction.
This help page has more information if you need it.
Schmendrick. Yeah, there seems to be an awful lot of threads about this already.
Yep, I'm having the same problem with my website too. Can't sort it the way I want.
If you have "autosort off" and the sort direction set to decending things do not work right. This has been going on for a very long time. A fix was promised, but so far not delivered.