Ordering Prints
Hello All,
Please keep in mind I am brand new to smugmug... I am confused about the print ordering.
I have a power level account. I understand already that you have to have a pro account in order to set a price on the prints orders to make a profit..
Where I am confused is this...
If you want to share your photos with everyone on a public gallery, then can anyone still just order a print of your work and you make nothing?
The reason I ask is while logged into my account, it gives the option to order a print on my photos..
do you just turn this off, unless it is a password protected clients gallery?
thanks for the help..
Please keep in mind I am brand new to smugmug... I am confused about the print ordering.
I have a power level account. I understand already that you have to have a pro account in order to set a price on the prints orders to make a profit..
Where I am confused is this...
If you want to share your photos with everyone on a public gallery, then can anyone still just order a print of your work and you make nothing?
The reason I ask is while logged into my account, it gives the option to order a print on my photos..
do you just turn this off, unless it is a password protected clients gallery?
thanks for the help..
That's right, the default setting is that all galleries are for sale to the public. You can easily turn this function off by going into your Customize Gallery settings. Scroll down to the bottom under Printing and select 'No' next to Printable. You will have to do this in each gallery you don't want to be open for sale.
Any more questions just let us know!
Support Hero
Thanks Zac.. Awesome Reply Turnaround..
all cleared up...
Two work arounds.
1- enable printing, order, then disable again.
2- Using CSS magic make the print button only appear if you are logged on. You will need to search the customization thread to find the actual code though.
not ready to tackle css code yet.. I suppose I will just have to enable and disable. Thanks for taking the time to let me know about the problem on the front side, otherwise I would have found out the hard way and been freaking out contacting them again..
the staff here is so helpful and the community. thanks.
As far as prints go, I am concerned. I have put a lot of research into it and it seems to me that jpeg is not prefered by pros when it comes to print.
Yes, smug mug serves well, when it comes to your own family album and prints for family, but my concern is what about client pics when I reach that level? Especially glamouor type shots. Almost every pro photographer forum I read, they all say you can tell a stark difference in holding 2 prints side by side, one in tiff and the other in jpeg. I have found that a lot of print labs do not like tif...
SO..... i read on the png format that the Smug Hero suggested and I went and researched that, and I found that it is Non-Lossy and non destructive.
This is great..and I found CS3 allows me to save in png..from a Raw. However, you still run into size restrictions here on Smugmug even with the png and I had to resize the photo for them to accept the upload..
Still png, seems to be the answer for the non-jpeg users who want a non destructive file format.. Still looking into it and any suggestions are welcome. I still have to learn the ropes about resolution and sizes when it comes to print and size of prints. I am new at it..
Where on earth did you hear this? We've been printing zillions of prints for our pros for years, and they're thrilled. Even BayPhoto, our premier Pro Print lab, prints from JPGs.
I'm sorry, you can't print at our labs (or any that I know of) from pngs. JPG only. And the quality is amazing.
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Have no idea where you got your researched info from but all I have ever read was png is ok for web graphics (along with gif) but for photo printing it is either TIFF or JPG.....and all the printers I have used want high quality jpgs over even tiff due to amount of memory TIFF eats up.....unless you're doing something for offset printing then they usually ask for it in CMYK (4 color separation) in tiff format........
Looking over the internet. Perhaps this is why I am confused.. I keep hearing all over the internet by searching raw vs. jpeg. that jpeg reduces the quality of photos.. then I hear from others here that labs only accept jpeg.. so I am very confused.........
I would love to hear that the pros here use jpeg and it comes out good enough for pro work and clients. that would make life easier.. I would then shoot in raw and then convert to jpeg.. I keep hearing that it is a destructive format,so I am confused. All the pro photographer books I bought and read are telling me to shoot in raw, but why do that just to destructively compress it to death into a jpeg for print?
help..... confused..
I did here there are differnt layers of compression and I noticed a level 12 on CS3, but will that then make my file "too big" to upload without the use of a smug vault? and if I use a smug vault, can print be ordered directly from there? say if a client wants a large print in the future?
sorry for the confusion.. just trying to get the basics down ahead of time... I dont mean to insinuate, just lost.... and going off of what others are saying..
Then convetr to the highest quality .jpg you can to upload to smugmug for your galleries.
At least that is my plan