Bridal from today
You learn to light, you learn to shoot, you set up backdrops. But in the end it really doesn't hurt to have a cute subject.
That is her skin, I only touched up an area right under her eyes a bit. I also softened the crinkles around the underarm.
That is her skin, I only touched up an area right under her eyes a bit. I also softened the crinkles around the underarm.
but yes...she has great skin.
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EDIT:I did some looking into the banding issue. As yes it's pretty painful. I went back to the studio and on my cinema display viewing this online it's barely there. But on my laptop screen (pc) it's UGLY. So looking around I saw a thread by Nikolai about it. Apparently adding noise to the area can help defeat this. I tried it and it helped, but it's still there.
Here is the result, I should also note that I upped my laptop monitor to 32 bit color and it pretty much wiped out the banding.
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