help me choose my new business logo
A friend has designed too kick ass logos for my business. But I'm torn, do I go with the one that shows some skin or no skin as my main logo. Check out the thread here
Please help me decide. There is a voting poll and you can leave comments. Thanks
Please help me decide. There is a voting poll and you can leave comments. Thanks
Sheba Wheeler -- Picture Your World Photography
Sorry, those aren't "kick ass". They aren't really even logos. There is too much going on, and they won't reproduce well. Your business name is in too light a font. I can't even tell what "skin" you're talking about.
I would toss these away and start fresh.
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thanks Merc...I'm a stickly about mistakes like that too!
I agree-- these aren't logos at all. Logos are very simple (think the nike swoosh or the adidas three stripes) and really don't look good with photos in them. Makes 'em too busy.
Check out logomojo for great examples.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Thanks for our response, however, I disagree. I believe it is a logo and it works great for my needs. I tried using companies like logomaker etc, but their clipart just didnt sum my business up as well as this does/
I agree. Those are not logos and I would hire a GOOD graphic designer.
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How do you promote boudoir, to start with boudoir is french for bedroom.....not is in its strictest sense a tease.....extremely seductive, provocative but yet not fully revealing the prize of the quest to speak .......
So to promote alongside of weddings and a series of very provocative, seductive photos that only hint at the skin......Teri's Rose is a great portrait and I hope is hanging as a min. of a 30 x 40 print on a wall......
this was my business card back in 1989-1992 and it did what I wanted it to do except it kept me out of the senior portrait slot....a little to risque for good ol' Wichita, but it did great out in L.A. and for entertainers touring around the country that had shows here and wanted the show photographed........
You are so correct about the uptightedness (new word just invented and copyrighted) of AMERICA as a whole......spending time in the Czech Republic showed me just how far backwards we are in how we look at sex in general....of course that is one reason they have a much lower rate of strokes and heart attacks....they are much more relaxed and laid is there approach to art in general.....nude is really nothing to the is just nature........
That aside, I would probably go with the 'no skin'; only for the sheer fact that there ARE people out there that will be offended, and as Art had mentioned it may hinder those Senior-type clients. Unfortunately that is how our society is.
-Marilyn Monroe
Again, these things are terrible as "logos". Put it on a business card, and you won't see a thing. Get a good graphic designer to brand your business, as mentioned above.
I don't think they look bad at all. It's really a matter of semantics as to the logo part. They would not work too well as a quickly recognizable symbol or fit well on a business card or as a branded image in photos or something. They look fine for a website, blog, or full sized ad. As far as skin or no skin it's a matter of where you want to take your photography. Are you a photographer for the money?, For mass appeal? approval by all who see your work? Many photographers get stuck wanting everyone to like there work. You do what you do. You like what you like. I say If it's a representation of you and the style of work you like to do then don't worry about offending the masses.
On the other hand if you have to bend to put food on the table I don't think anyone would blame you.
I paid for mine. I can get you her information. It was $75 via paypal. She gives a few variations and then works from there.
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~ Gear Pictures
A decent graphic designer will never use clipart. Logomojo does not use clipart either. They design everything from scratch.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
Then I will take a second look at logomojo. I like that they offer free cards and stationery to get you started.
Yeah, they do a good job but I'd still recommend you run some of their ideas past friends and family and even a graphic designer. Logomojo will give you unlimited changes (least they did when I used them) in design.
I loved a couple of the initial logos they designed for me, but the response wasn't as enthusiastic from people I showed them to. I ended up using that input and getting a very nice logo that ended up working awesome in my website design and works as a nice watermark too. Sometimes what we like isn't always what others like.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
Pete I lost myself in your site for about an hour. FANTASTIC work, really!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Yeah, I think I learned that the hard way!