customer page errors

Blocked IP maybe. They repeatedly tried to log in with the wrong password to a locked gallery. The made an honest error and I was able to give them the correct password. However even with that, they only get to a page with my footer and nothing else. They go through the site no problem until they hit the gallery. I even removed the password protection had them clear their cashe memory and try it again. Same issue.
Does smugmug block viewers who input the wrong password too many times? If so, how does one unblock them?
Does this have nothing to do with the password, but is in fact some sort of page error.
I have not been able to reproduce the problem on my computers and no other customers have had this issue.
thanks in advance :thumb
PS this sounds quite a bit like the error posted by Kilroy.
Oh yeah you need the smug user name. mswalling.smugmug
website is
Does smugmug block viewers who input the wrong password too many times? If so, how does one unblock them?
Does this have nothing to do with the password, but is in fact some sort of page error.
I have not been able to reproduce the problem on my computers and no other customers have had this issue.
thanks in advance :thumb
PS this sounds quite a bit like the error posted by Kilroy.
Oh yeah you need the smug user name. mswalling.smugmug
website is
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I have a customer who tried to log in to a password protected gallery. She entered the wrong password several times and ended up with an error message. After doing this she contacted me and then tried the correct password only to get an error on the page. The only thing she can see is my custom footer. No images, header, nav bar etc.
In attempting to help her I removed the password from the gallery thinking that was the issue, but the problem remained. When ever she tried to enter that gallery she had the same error. I have since put the password back on the gallery.
My questions:
Is this a password issue? Do people who try to enter protected galleries only get a certain number of tries before being blocked completely?
If not a password issue is there some sort of error on the page?
The gallery if needed is titled "ER Preschool " in my client section.
I hope that is easier to understand.
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She probably just needs to clear her SmugMug cookies and the browser cache, and close, reopen, trying again.
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