A Fund Raising Event, sorta last minute.
The Wife had me take some pics, to raise a few more bucks for Hope Pregnancy Care Centers banquet. (western themed)
I was told there would be a nice big back drop or stage of some sort...
So I'm home trying to figure out the wireless flash of the SB800:huh
And she sends me this pic of the set-up...:scratch :rolleyes

I was like, "what the heck am I going to do with this??":dunno
So I set up the SB 800 into an umbrella, and used our 1000w video light with a softbox.
Tethered the MBP to my D300, using Aperture:thumb
And snapped away, and printed the pics out while they waited.






It turned out real well, we sold a lot of pics, and even multiples to some!
I was told there would be a nice big back drop or stage of some sort...
So I'm home trying to figure out the wireless flash of the SB800:huh
And she sends me this pic of the set-up...:scratch :rolleyes

I was like, "what the heck am I going to do with this??":dunno
So I set up the SB 800 into an umbrella, and used our 1000w video light with a softbox.
Tethered the MBP to my D300, using Aperture:thumb
And snapped away, and printed the pics out while they waited.






It turned out real well, we sold a lot of pics, and even multiples to some!
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Thoughts on photographing a wedding, How to post a picture, AF Microadjustments?, Light Scoop
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+1 on the Sepia. I think you did a great job with these.
Comments and constructive criticism always welcome.
I love how well the tethering to Aperture works, never had to touch the camera!
And also impressed with the quality of prints I was getting from the Canon Pixma 620B printer.
It was a western theme anyway, so everybody was dressed up already, thats why so many were willing to participate.
One guy said he done the same sorta thing, he pre-arranged with Walgreens or whoever does good prints cheap, then as he got the photos, he would tether the laptop to his cell phone, and be having the prints done before the event was over.
Either way having the prints there helps sell them I think, and I also offered to email any to whoever wanted them.