Help Identify NW Bird
This character is new to my property, and by my field books, I see a Red Crossbill. But pics on line show such a distinct crossing of the bill, and quite frankly, not such a beautiful red (most img's are ruddier). There are only three that appear, and their sightings are rare each day, making them quite allusive. They don't seem to get along with most of the other birds I have about: Juncos, Sparrows, Doves, Flickers, Jays, Finches,and ESPECIALLY the hordes of Blackbirds. They are a tad aggressive. Any Ideas? I know the snapshot isn't a great identifier, but they are camera shy. This is on a dogwood tree, across my front field, cropped a bit for detail.
Red Crossbill?
Red Crossbill?
size compared to juncos?
the crossbills I have seen have really had crossed bills.
how about purple finch?
finches typically have forked tail feathers.
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Purple Finch would've been my guess too, or a really colorful house finch!
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