Help Please ... can I import SmugMug galleries or Sharegroups into a different page
Could really use some help. We operate a fishing camp at
We also have a smugmug page at
We love smugmug (adore it), for all the obvious reasons.
We would like to maintain Smugmug (so it stays current). However, we would like to set it up so that the "galleries" or "sharegroups" would be imbeded or copied back into our main page.
I am sorry if this has been answered before, but we get confused ... it looks like many have taken smugmug and adjusted it so that it looks like their "native" page, but in our case, we really have a totally seperate page and simply want to import/live the pictures. We can't use an adapted smugmug because of the content and layout of our main page.
Also, would be great if they could be in a slide-show format.
The issue is that we want to keep them at our main site, rather than re-directed to a smugmug site.
Hope we make sense. Could really use some help on this.
Thanks. Peter
Could really use some help. We operate a fishing camp at
We also have a smugmug page at
We love smugmug (adore it), for all the obvious reasons.
We would like to maintain Smugmug (so it stays current). However, we would like to set it up so that the "galleries" or "sharegroups" would be imbeded or copied back into our main page.
I am sorry if this has been answered before, but we get confused ... it looks like many have taken smugmug and adjusted it so that it looks like their "native" page, but in our case, we really have a totally seperate page and simply want to import/live the pictures. We can't use an adapted smugmug because of the content and layout of our main page.
Also, would be great if they could be in a slide-show format.
The issue is that we want to keep them at our main site, rather than re-directed to a smugmug site.
Hope we make sense. Could really use some help on this.
Thanks. Peter
I'm not sure of an easy way of doing this. You can use the 'share' feature to copy direct links to images and place them on your other site.
The use of 'feeds' might work too, if your site has the ability to use them via a widget or module.
You should be able to get your SmugMug site styled fairly close to your other site. I would think the banner, navbar and background would get you close.
You can embed a slide show if you like, we have the instructions here:
Look under the 'Embed Flash Slideshow' section.
Thanks Rich,
I absolutely need to keep my other site as we are optimizing it for search engines and will be adding a ton of functionality ...
Kind of a drag, I love smugmug and love the fact that I can upload without a web-designer involvement, but don't want to duplicate the effort to both sites.
In the fishing camp business, people want to see pictures of the fish ... and of course, I would like for them to see them ...
Thanks again for responding ... my designer Zav will certainly look at the tools ... I don't think I mind if it opens a window in smugmug, I just want them to stay at/in my main site.
Since you have been kind in responding, do you think that the share groups has a role to play in this? When I set them up, they also seem to create an automatic link ...
Again, not a techie ... but trying to get high level ideas to pass on to my designer/friend ....
1) Style both sites to look very similar so that visually, the user will feel like they are staying on the same web-site when they go from your fishing site to your photos on Smugmug. To do that, you would put your header, navbar, copyright message and background color onto your Smugmug site. Your Smugmug site would look like just more pages to your existing site.
2) Use a custom domain for your Smugmug site that would be something like Then, even the URL bar would look like you were staying on the same site.
3) Put links to your various photo galleries on your main site (just like you would link together pages on your existing site).
Using this technique, you get the best of both worlds. You get great photo display via Smugmug's technology without involving a web designer everytime you want to put more photos up and visually, it appears to the viewer like everything is all part of one extended web site.
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