Geography and Mapping link question
Hi, I am new here. I searched but was unable to find an answer to my question.
I appreciate the ability to link a photo to Google maps, but have an interest in linking an entire Gallery. This seems like it should be simple. Can anyone provide me with any tips? I realize there is something called a exif file that can embed location data, however I don't have this and probably won't hook up a GPS to my camera with any regularity.
An alternate solution might be to edit/create an exif file through some batch process prior to uploading. Thoughts?
I appreciate the ability to link a photo to Google maps, but have an interest in linking an entire Gallery. This seems like it should be simple. Can anyone provide me with any tips? I realize there is something called a exif file that can embed location data, however I don't have this and probably won't hook up a GPS to my camera with any regularity.
An alternate solution might be to edit/create an exif file through some batch process prior to uploading. Thoughts?
EXIF is per photo, so it still wouldn't be the whole gallery, but the smugmug blog has some good info on tagging your photos with gps.
More on geotagging or geocoding -
I also found this - but it looks like a LOT more work than using the "edit geography" option here on smugmug.
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Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
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I have uploaded an album of some 300+ photos
Some 270 are geotagged. However only 200 show up on the map. I tried adding another few photos with tags, but thye are not showing up.
Is there a limit on the number that can be shown on the map?
Thanks for the tips! Geosetter is a useful program. I have selected a few photos, but in the "smugmap" page that you get when you click on one of the green picture symbols, there is a small link in the lower right corner that says "Google Earth".
When I click on this, it takes me to some location in the Atlantic Ocean, instead of in Nepal. Does anyone have experience with this particular functionality? Try it on the map for yourself.
thanks again!
By default, there's a limit on how many photos are shown on the map. Try adding the &ImageCount=xx at the end of the maps feed url. Replace xx with whatever number of photos you would like in the feed.
All the details on feeds are here.
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SmugMug Support Hero
Yes, I just checked and I have both of those checked to make my album public.
I have just verified that this problem is specific to the "new" Google Earth version 5.0. I tried it at work with an older version 4.xx and this "google earth" link worked perfectly, opening up the .kml file in the program google Earth and zooming right in on the points on my album that I have featured on the map.
It looks like SmugMug needs to do a little work to make SmugMaps compliant with version 5.0 of Google Earth.
After realizing this I went in to the Gallery customization and temporarily removed the public availability for Google and searching settings from the USA album. After doing this, clicking on the "google earth" link in the lower right began to work as advertised. After reinstating the public availability setting for the USA gallery, the link is working correctly for all three galleries now in Google Earth.
I am glad to have it work before I share this with the intended audience, but I imagine this may become problematic in the future as I intend to add geography to many more galleries. Hopefully it is something easy the SmugMug can work on, and not dependent on Google themselves.
Thanks again for assistance and putting up with my issue.
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