
Church Directories

msfmsf Registered Users Posts: 229 Major grins
edited August 10, 2010 in Mind Your Own Business
I was just wondering who here has done a Church Directory.

What was your agreement with the Church? Did they pay you? Did you pay them or give them bonuses for the ability to do the directory?

Do you have any tips for those starting out?

Where is a great place to get the directories printed for as cheap as possible, but yet still be quality.

I just did a directory, and it was a great learning experience. The next time I do one, I believe I can be much more effecient with the post processing, and the scheduling.

I did a search, but most of the threads were pretty old.


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    bob swansonbob swanson Registered Users Posts: 138 Major grins
    edited April 3, 2009
    Share you experiences and ideas.ne_nau.gif
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    AshleybAshleyb Registered Users Posts: 24 Big grins
    edited August 10, 2010
    Is it ok to bump?
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    msfmsf Registered Users Posts: 229 Major grins
    edited August 10, 2010
    Ive done two directories since I posted this, same Church, different pastors.

    It was an experience. :) one thing I learned is make sure the background is simple and doesnt need much post. The first year it had a couple wrinkles and I spent way to much time trying to remove it in post. The 2nd year I just made the sheet as wrinkled as I could so it was part of the look. :)

    Make sure the payments are clear so you dont deliver something that wasnt paid for. for the most part I take payment at the time of the order with the occasional exception, and I forgot about those exceptions and delivered the prints ahead of time.

    People like to make appointments last minute. The last time I did a directory, I made appointments for a couple days of the week for a few weeks. The first week was very slow, 2nd week was pretty slow and then the last week everyone tried to get in and some didnt get their pics taken cuz they waited to long. Even though it was announced months ahead of time that it was coming up.

    All in all it was an experience, money wasnt to bad the first year, 2nd year was to close to the first one so there was only half the appointments.
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