
Skin Enhancements with Portrait Professional

anonymouscubananonymouscuban Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 4,586 Major grins
edited April 3, 2009 in Finishing School
I've been playing around with Portrait Professional. Very nifty software. I have no experience with enhancing skin in PS or other tools so not sure how good the results are. Too my untrained eye, they look pretty darn natural. The greatest thing is the ease of using the software. Everything is controlled by sliders. You can make facial sculpting adjustments, whiten eyes and teeth, remove blemishes, shadows, add or remove shine. All in just minutes.

Here are a few pics of my beautiful wife. Not the most dramatic picture but a good test image since she wasn't wearing any makeup.


This is the same image after processing it in Portrait Professional with the default values. It's hard to tell, but it softened the face by removing highlights and shadows and it also smoothed the skin quite a bit. It altered the shape of her face a bit too. It shorten her face a bit by weakening her jaw a little. Not bad especially since I didn't have to make any adjustments. I simply identified a few landmarks on her face and then the software processed the image as seen below.


Here, I played around with some of the smothing and other alterations to the skin, bumping them up a bit. I lightened her skin color and then I used the eye controls to widen her eyes, change the shape of her eyebrows and also whiten the whites of her eyes and sharpen them a bit. I tweaked the shape of her jaw some even more than default and also tweaked the shape of her lips. I don't think I like these adjustments, I just really made them to illustrate what you can do with the program.


This last one is with all facial sculpturing removed and only slight skin smoothing. I also whitened the whites of her eyes a bit. I like the results of this one the most. Basically, this is what my wife looks like when she wears make up, which is very little. She is beautiful as is in my book :-)


What do you pros think of the results? I'd really like to hear since this is a trial version and I am thinking of buying it.
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    ChatKatChatKat Registered Users Posts: 1,357 Major grins
    edited April 2, 2009
    Worth playing with....Thanks for sharing these. I've been thinking about adding this to the digital tool box. Now you've given me enough info to download it and play with it myself. I like the eye whitening and sculpting tools too! If you hadn't said what you did I'd still be looking - and your wife is very pretty!

    Thanks again.
    Kathy Rappaport
    Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
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    ToshidoToshido Registered Users Posts: 759 Major grins
    edited April 3, 2009
    A beautiful woman with gorgeous skin does do this program justice. Will try to get some pictures of my parents up soon and add to this thread some more examples where you can see dramatic changes and still have natural looking skin.
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