smugmug.login.withHash Error 1
I am getting an invalid login error when trying to run a unit test to validate my call to smugmug.login.withHash. I use smugmug.login.withPassword inside the unit test first. This give my back my login object containing the UserId and the PasswordHash. I use the data to populate the withHash request.
Method = smugmug.login.withHash
UserId = <my user id retieved from login.withPassword>
PasswordHash - <PasswordHash retieved from login.withPassword>
I then get an invalid login error 1. How should I actually be unit testing this?
Method = smugmug.login.withHash
UserId = <my user id retieved from login.withPassword>
PasswordHash - <PasswordHash retieved from login.withPassword>
I then get an invalid login error 1. How should I actually be unit testing this?
The only way to get the PasswordHash is to call login.withPassword sometime at the beginning of application init, right? or can I get the PasswordHash and UserId some other way?
How are other developers using smugmug.login.withHash ?
Please also be careful with case of the parameters since they are case sensitive.
You listed UserId, it should be UserID.
Hope this helps.
SmugMug API Developer
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Hi Mark,
Thanks for the response. I am passing the API key from a base class.
Hi David,
That was the exact problem....thx!!
BTW: Is there an existing XML Rest schema like a wsdl that contains all the methods and objects for the SmugMug API?
Not a XML rest schema, but I have been developing a "reflection" type interface, which I am using to automatically generate the API documentation here. It's not live yet, it's deployment has been delayed due to some other projects.
SmugMug API Developer
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