Domain name
I went to change my "Custom Hostname" which I have parked at Godaddy and it would'nt take "www",but it "would" take I do something wrong here,and yes I am a SmugMug noob. Randall
If you want us to do it for you, write our Help Desk, ATTN: Doc in the subject line .... send us your domain host UserID and set the password
to something temporary like SmugTemp123. I will log in and make the
changes or check the settings for you. When I am done you can reset the
1. the name of your domain registrar
2. login name to your domain
3. change the password for your domain to smugtemp{insert_4_random_digits}
Once we have made the changes, we will let you know so that you could
change your password back.
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Thanx for your reply Andy.I contacted the help desk and Nick took care of it.You just can't ask for better support than that.........Thanx.