
Change capture date, but not time in Lightroom?

jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
edited April 6, 2009 in Finishing School
I shot a school talent show today with another photographer. So that we could sequence our photos easily, we synchronized the clocks on our cameras. Unfortunately, my partner had the right time, but was set for 2008 instead of 2009. So, all of his photos are one year off. I use Lightroom and I've used the capture time modifications before to fix a timezone issue. Unforunately, I can't find a way to change just the date without affecting the time. I must keep the time the same so that it will sort properly with my photos.

Does anyone know how, in Lightroom, to change just the date and not the time. I need some solution enmasse because I've got over 1000 photos to apply this to. I've already got them in Lightroom and have done some editing so I'd prefer to not have to go outside Lightroom if possible. Because this operation is not undoable, I also don't want to experiment without some concrete advice.
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    jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited April 6, 2009
    Someone over on dpreview answer the question for me. In a classic case of misleading Adobe UI, if you select multiple images, then do Metadata/Edit Capture Time and edit just the date, it won't change the time on all the photos. The UI makes it look like it will set all the photos to the time of the current photo (something I needed to avoid so I didn't even try it), but the code under the UI is smarter than the UI makes it appear. So ... problem solved.

    I sent an email to my partner in this shoot telling him that my camera was set to 4/5/2009 and his was set to 4/5/2008. He responded in jest asking me why I set mine to 2009?
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