ripe juicy cherries and coconut ....

...lovingly packaged in "old gold" rich dark chocolate. yep, that's what a cherry ripe is...
and i've got 'em :lol3
i'm in london, and gubbsie told me where the cherry ripe dealer store is located.
be still my beating heart :lust
i found myself with an hour to spare today, so i went out on my quest. "just off the strand, in covent garden" says our man gubbs. off i go, wad of the queens specie in one hand, and my plastic money in the other, just in case....
but wait - i walk all 'round covent garden, no cherry ripes to be found anywhere :uhoh
i pop into a confectioner's stand, and the old gent mumbles some directions in a cockney accent augmented by about a half-litre of scotch whiskey... but no matter, when it comes to my quest, my cherry ripes, i understand every word.
it's up this first alley...look there, this guy knows where to find 'em... can't you see the fervor in his eyes?

'round the corner and up another narrow alley - yeah, that's where they hide those red packages of juicy, tender, succulent cherry goodness!

by this time i'm all sweaty and have 9-1 pre-dialed on my mobile phone... my heart is beating :lust and there's a lump in my throat. but i find the shop! immediately upon entering the dealer senses what i'm about, takes me to the rear of the store, and points down there, next to the tim-tams, exactly what i need :clap :clap :clap

i bought 'em all.

and then, this sweet lovely sheila sees me stuffing all the bars into my arms, and says "would you like to buy a whole box, we'll give you 10% off."
well, she could have said, "10% extra" and i'd have paid it :lol3 :lol3 it was rather nice of her not to mention the little bits of cherry ripe at the corners of my mouth... :uhoh
so, an entire box of cherry ripes in my hands, i trot off back to the darkness and privacy of my hotel room, where i can be alone, with my 48 i mean 46 new friends :wink

enjoy (the big cherry taste) photography,
and i've got 'em :lol3
i'm in london, and gubbsie told me where the cherry ripe dealer store is located.
be still my beating heart :lust
i found myself with an hour to spare today, so i went out on my quest. "just off the strand, in covent garden" says our man gubbs. off i go, wad of the queens specie in one hand, and my plastic money in the other, just in case....
but wait - i walk all 'round covent garden, no cherry ripes to be found anywhere :uhoh
i pop into a confectioner's stand, and the old gent mumbles some directions in a cockney accent augmented by about a half-litre of scotch whiskey... but no matter, when it comes to my quest, my cherry ripes, i understand every word.
it's up this first alley...look there, this guy knows where to find 'em... can't you see the fervor in his eyes?

'round the corner and up another narrow alley - yeah, that's where they hide those red packages of juicy, tender, succulent cherry goodness!

by this time i'm all sweaty and have 9-1 pre-dialed on my mobile phone... my heart is beating :lust and there's a lump in my throat. but i find the shop! immediately upon entering the dealer senses what i'm about, takes me to the rear of the store, and points down there, next to the tim-tams, exactly what i need :clap :clap :clap

i bought 'em all.

and then, this sweet lovely sheila sees me stuffing all the bars into my arms, and says "would you like to buy a whole box, we'll give you 10% off."

so, an entire box of cherry ripes in my hands, i trot off back to the darkness and privacy of my hotel room, where i can be alone, with my 48 i mean 46 new friends :wink

enjoy (the big cherry taste) photography,
"The Quest Of The Holy Cherry Ripe"! Hehe! Great story, Andy! I can relate to it. A few summers ago I had this uncontrollable desire for a ice cream called "Piggelin". It was a VERY hot summer and the ice cream producers couldn't keep up with the massive ice cream consumption. One day, I biked around for almost 3 hours before I finaly got my longed for "Piggelin". But BOY did it taste WONDERFUL!
I have a picture of an advertisement from 1958 for Cherry Ripes, I will scan it and upload for you.
1924 The Cherry Ripe
The Cherry Ripe' is introduced in 1924 by MacRobertson's (later to be taken over by Cadbury) and is uniquely Australian. Its special combination of cherries, coconut and dark chocolate establishes it as a firm favourite with generations of families.
So enjoy what we take for granted, I know of no shop, petrol station and such like that does not stock it.
I was gonna say that they won't let you back in this country with a case of those. But, knowing you, there may not be any left by the time you return
I guess I won't need to make a trip to pick up any for your next visit, since you seemed to have taken care of your sweet tooth for awhile
Steve, We all know better than that. Have a case or two on hand.
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Perhaps you could walk around and point to your shirt.. may break the "alcohol" language barrier
Success, I loved the pictoral essay showing us the way to the secret Cherry Ripes cache.
I'm afraid to try one if that's the effect on a previously semi-sane person
with all this talk and drooling over cherry ripes I find myself compelled to propose that from this day forward all winners of dGrin challenges receive as their reward a carton of cherry ripes!
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My smugmug stuff
but you must know, i haven't been a size "small" since, well, since i was small
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not being a candy eater,you have me jonesing for a cherry ripe
Cincinnati Smug Leader
I bet those Cherry Ripes DONT make it back to New York
Skippy (Australia)
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
that could be a good bet. i've got two more days here, and i've et three already today
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But does anyone worry that Gubbs knows the only store in London that sells Cherry Ripes?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
the gubbsinator knows *many* things....
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how long before we need to start up "Cherry Ripes Anonymous" forum ?
just had a thought perhaps Amadeus is Andy when he hasn't had a Cherry Ripe fix in a few days
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Just as good as the bar version and get to satify the desire for both cerry ripes and icecream
Great story Andy...
David Clifford
has anyone ever told you, you are a tease, before.
Look, you all may drool over cherry ripes, Andy may be king of the ribs, but nobody, understand NOBODY can out-eat me on ice cream NO BODY!!!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots