Trip Report - Six Flags Magic Mountain

ok... well not a whole report. I saved that for the blog, but here are a few pics that I took on the way and at the park.
Twisted Metal

Casa de Fruit Truck


Sf Bay Area locals may recognize the fruit truck that is parked inside the store at Casa de Fruta. Well, that is, if you're the type of local that gets dragged to every stop that looks interesting on a road trip that we probably did half a dozen times a year! That is a hand held HDR made with 3 images shot at -2, 0, and +2.
More pics from my trip can be seen here and, if you're interested, a few details about the trip are on my photo blog.
Twisted Metal

Casa de Fruit Truck


Sf Bay Area locals may recognize the fruit truck that is parked inside the store at Casa de Fruta. Well, that is, if you're the type of local that gets dragged to every stop that looks interesting on a road trip that we probably did half a dozen times a year! That is a hand held HDR made with 3 images shot at -2, 0, and +2.
More pics from my trip can be seen here and, if you're interested, a few details about the trip are on my photo blog.
How did you keep the HDR from wierding out the colors and such?
You just need to be conservative with the light smoothing and watch the histogram. IMHO, when colors start clipping too much and the curve is all over the place is when things start to get wonky.
EDIT: BTW, thanks for the comments!
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Pure Adrenaline
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Wow Joe that is an awesome HDR Pano
I love Theme Parks .... great shots
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
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