Mat-Su Valley, Alaska

I'm forced to admit I'm not really a fan of snowmachining. The few times I've gone have been dominated by getting stuck and breaking down. :rofl Yesterday was no exception, with three of our four machines having problems, but some friends and I managed to make it a good distance up a mountain overlooking the Mat-Su Valley and I stitched together this panorama. There's a larger version available HERE if you'd like to see things a little closer. Hope you enjoy!
Pictured left to right: Palmer, Butte, Wasilla, Eagle River, Anchorage, and Houston, Alaska.
Pictured left to right: Palmer, Butte, Wasilla, Eagle River, Anchorage, and Houston, Alaska.

John Borland
I can't imagine what it's like to see views like this on a regular basis. The pano is lovely but I am sure it's incomparable to the real thing.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography