C# framework for SmugMug
I’ve created an Object Oriented framework for SmugMug and published it on CodePlex: http://smugmugc3.codeplex.com/
The project is a SmugMug platform on which you can build your own application.
It connects to the SmugMug API 1.2.2 using JSon and C#.
The model allows the user to login/ logout to his SmugMug account and create, get, get information, modify, delete, etc – all the functions from http://wiki.smugmug.net/display/API/API+1.2.2 (except auth for the moment) – on albums, album templates, categories, family, friends, images, sharegroups, styles, subcategories, themes.
I have also created a console application to test the functions and show how they could be used. An UI will be next
For the moment the communities and stats functions return a system error – not implemented (they haven’t been implemented yet for this API). There is also a problem with watermarking (creating a watermark from an image). I’m trying to fix it, but I don’t know if the problem is with my code or on the site. I get a “invalid dissolve parameter" error.
Any suggestions, bugs, bug fixes are welcomed.
The project is a SmugMug platform on which you can build your own application.
It connects to the SmugMug API 1.2.2 using JSon and C#.
The model allows the user to login/ logout to his SmugMug account and create, get, get information, modify, delete, etc – all the functions from http://wiki.smugmug.net/display/API/API+1.2.2 (except auth for the moment) – on albums, album templates, categories, family, friends, images, sharegroups, styles, subcategories, themes.
I have also created a console application to test the functions and show how they could be used. An UI will be next
For the moment the communities and stats functions return a system error – not implemented (they haven’t been implemented yet for this API). There is also a problem with watermarking (creating a watermark from an image). I’m trying to fix it, but I don’t know if the problem is with my code or on the site. I get a “invalid dissolve parameter" error.
Any suggestions, bugs, bug fixes are welcomed.