
It's the little things

Matt SMatt S Registered Users Posts: 120 Major grins
edited April 9, 2009 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
A copy of an email I just sent to Bay Photo.

I recently placed a large order through Bay Photo via my smugmug site. I wanted to thank you for the exceptional service. Not only were the prints excellent, but someone took the time to hand sort all of the photos by subject. It was a preschool shoot and they sorted the images by child not by size. I was able to put the packages together in minutes instead of hours. A very nice and unexpected bonus. So thank you for making life a little easier.


P.S. you may want to check your wallet punching machine. 2 (out of many) sheets of wallets were unpunched. No biggie, but though you would want to know.

Though other smuggers would like to know.:thumb
Thanks, Matt

My Site


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    PapalouiePapalouie Registered Users Posts: 17 Big grins
    edited April 8, 2009
    Thanks Matt, we took that machine out of production a couple of days ago when we noticed the problem, thanks for the heads up.

    The sorting issue is interesting. Generally we do sort keeping each subject in the correct order to save sorting time. We generally only do this on larger event shoots because on smaller shoots we will sometimes get the comment that the smaller images were between the larger ones and the photographers think that is sloppy. So on those we package different size prints separately. Just an fyi we are experimenting with different bags then we are currently using, the bags we are experimenting with are clearer but they are less slippery. The more slippery ones allow the prints to slide around more than we like during shipping. More detail than you want to know I'm sure.

    Bay Photo
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    MontecMontec Registered Users Posts: 823 Major grins
    edited April 9, 2009
    Papalouie, would you accept an Excel order form with a defined package of prints detailed.

    For example; I would upload 200 separate students photos with the filename and package ordered in separate columns.

    123abc.jpg, packageA
    123abd.jpg, packageB, item2
    123abe.jpg, packageB, packageC
    123abf.jpg, packgeC, item5

    etc. etc for all the images. With the packages pre-determined in the same Excel sheet or some other way.
    Until SmugMug implements their packages feature I am looking for a workaround.

    I do a lot of this with another company that costs me way too much. I am looking for a change.
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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 9, 2009
    Montec wrote:

    Monte, best is for you to contact Bay directly on this.
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    Matt SMatt S Registered Users Posts: 120 Major grins
    edited April 9, 2009
    Papalouie wrote:
    Thanks Matt, we took that machine out of production a couple of days ago when we noticed the problem, thanks for the heads up.

    The sorting issue is interesting. Generally we do sort keeping each subject in the correct order to save sorting time. We generally only do this on larger event shoots because on smaller shoots we will sometimes get the comment that the smaller images were between the larger ones and the photographers think that is sloppy. So on those we package different size prints separately. Just an fyi we are experimenting with different bags then we are currently using, the bags we are experimenting with are clearer but they are less slippery. The more slippery ones allow the prints to slide around more than we like during shipping. More detail than you want to know I'm sure.

    Bay Photo

    Thanks Larry. I really liked the sorting, it saved me a bunch of time. The packing of the prints was well done, no issues with that for me!
    Thanks, Matt

    My Site
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    MontecMontec Registered Users Posts: 823 Major grins
    edited April 9, 2009
    Matt S wrote:
    Thanks Larry. I really liked the sorting, it saved me a bunch of time. The packing of the prints was well done, no issues with that for me!

    Thanks Andy, I checked with them and have something in the works.
    I don't know why I never did this before :bash
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