Confused about SmugMug Login
I am a bit confused by the way I am logged in (or actually NOT logged in) to SmugMug.
I have a pro. account and can get in using the native start of . But I also have my own domain which is
Both these URLs take me to my photosite at SmugMug but not without a bit of confusion. Part of this confusion may be that am using a site-wide viewing password. Also, I feel I get different results at different times and just can't see the clear path here.
These are my events:
> enter ENGFAM.COM and am prompted for sitewide viewing password
> click on LOGIN and see the LOGIN screen
> here my userid and password is already filled in so I just click LOGIN
> I am in as owner
And I am allways using Firefox and I have done some tests with deleting coockies with no improvements. As far as I can understand it I have not allowed FF to save my SmugMug passwords.
I want to get logged in automatically to my SM site, is this possible?
I am a bit confused by the way I am logged in (or actually NOT logged in) to SmugMug.
I have a pro. account and can get in using the native start of . But I also have my own domain which is
Both these URLs take me to my photosite at SmugMug but not without a bit of confusion. Part of this confusion may be that am using a site-wide viewing password. Also, I feel I get different results at different times and just can't see the clear path here.
These are my events:
> enter ENGFAM.COM and am prompted for sitewide viewing password
> click on LOGIN and see the LOGIN screen
> here my userid and password is already filled in so I just click LOGIN
> I am in as owner
And I am allways using Firefox and I have done some tests with deleting coockies with no improvements. As far as I can understand it I have not allowed FF to save my SmugMug passwords.
I want to get logged in automatically to my SM site, is this possible?
My focus is on digitizing memories
My focus is on digitizing memories
Try going to and logging in there. When you enter your password, check the "Remember me" box. Firefox will then keep you logged in.
One caviat - you will always have to re-enter your password when you change your customisation. This is needed to prevent javascript viruses from implanting themselves into your customisation.
When you login on or on , you should be able to go to your domain and refresh the page in the browser without entering the site password. Then, the login cookie should catch on on the domain and you shouldn't have to login again.
If that doens't seem to work, check your Firefox cookie preferences. You would need to allow all cookies, including the ones from third party sites. Compare your settings with this page.
SmugMug Support Hero
Done some suggested testing:
> Started FF with no tab set to SmugMug
> Entered and get to the LOGIN screen
> On this screen my email-id and pw is already filled in
> The "Remember me" is already ticked ... so I just click on LOGIN
> This takes me to site "" and the button LOGOUT indicates I am signed in
Then I checked my FF settings and can confirm that
> YES ... accept cookies from sites
> YES ... accept third parties cookies
> YES ... they are kept till they expire
I can see that I have cookies from ENGFAM.COM and from SMUGMUG.COM. I deleted them both as a test earlier today but couldn't see any improvement.
So where do I look or what do I do now?
My focus is on digitizing memories
go to your site and see if it's logged in?
My Website index | My Blog
I used again SMUGMUG.COM and I still see the LOGOUT button ... doesn't it mean I am logged in? I then manually typed in ENGFAM.COM and then I see the panel asking for my sitewide password for 1 second. Before I have time to react I am on my own Smugmug page, in as the owner, not as a visiter.
Then I restarted FF and entered ENGFAM.COM and this gave me the panel where I am asked for the site-wide pw.
My focus is on digitizing memories
What add-ons do you have in your Firefox? Go to Tools menu > add-ons > extensions tab and list all your extensions.
What toolbars do you have installed?
Check your password settings in Firefox. Go to TOols > settings > security tab. Do you have 'remember passwords' checked? If so, uncheck it. Furthermore, click on 'saved passwords' - are there any SmugMug sites or your domain listed? Remove that, too.
SmugMug Support Hero
> Start IE and type ENGFAM.COM and hit enter
> I get the panel to enter the site-wide password and ..
> .. after just a few seconds the screen refresh and I see the site-wide panel again ... nothing is filled in
> This is not what I want so I hit LOGIN ... and I get to the SIGNIN screen ... no id and pw filled in
> I fill in the id+pw and leave the REMEMBER ME ticked and hit enter
> This takes me to my own smugmug page and I am logged in
> Close IE and restart the whole process
> Type in ENGFAM.COM and get to the sitewide pw request ... hit LOGIN
> Get to the LOGIN screen and (again) no id or pw filled in
... so first and second IE try had the same serie of events ... I was NOT remembered by IE
Add-ons in FF is only one and it is called:
(and I don't know why I have it?)
I am not aware I have installed any specific toolbar. When I go VIEW>TOOLBAR I see I have NAVIGATION and BOOKMARK
About FF and saved pw I did have "remember passwords for sites" ticked ... this is now un-ticked. I could also see that I had SECURE.SMUGMUG (or similar) saved. I deleted ALL saved pws.
Now I will close and restart FF
> Type in ENGFAM.COM ... and get to the site-wide panel
> Go for LOGIN and get to LOGIN panel
> Nothing filled in so add id+pw and leave REMEMBER ME ticked
> Next is my own page in SmugMug and I and signed in
> Closed FF and restarted FF
> Type ENGFAM.COM and ... get to the site-wide panel ... hit LOGIN button
> Get the login panel and nothing filled in ....
So no pogress so far and I am still confused.
My focus is on digitizing memories
I've passed your issue on to our bugman Doc. He'll try to replicate what you're seeing. He'll ask for details if he needs more info.
SmugMug Support Hero
Can you try that for me?
> Started FF and looked at list of cookies
> deleted the following
> Restarted FF
> Checked that the above cookies were still missing and they were
> Typed in ENGFAM.COM
> Got the site-wide pw panel and clicked on LOGIN
> Got the standard LOGIN panel ... all empty ... only REMEMBER ME ticked
> Typed in my id+pw and got to my own page
> Restarted FF
> Typed in ENGFAM.COM
> Got the site-wide pw panel and clicked on LOGIN
> Got the standard LOGIN panel ... all empty ... only EMEMBRER ME still ticked
> Just out of interest checked the list of cookies and found 3 of them
Doc, what if I mail you my id+pw so you can verrify if this is my machine or smugmug that is the issue?
My focus is on digitizing memories
Let me know via email when you will not need to be in the account. I can then test while you are not in the account.
I also have some other things that I need you to try that will be best done via email.
Just want to give you the ending of this story ... and it is a bit thin.
Doc could see there were no problems from his view point which meant I had an issue with my own machine. So I re-did the recommended actions, things I already had done (knock on wood) ... delete cockies, check on FF settings ...
And somewhere along the line I must have done something correct since suddenly it all started to behave as expected. Now I will not change anything for a long time.
Thanks for all help, Harald
My focus is on digitizing memories