Porsche 356C

Well no car forum so post it here... I learnt that it's damn hard to light a car with 3 speedlights without requisite light modifiers and room to position it all around the car - learning experience but I can go back and take a car to a different location next time which i'm looking forward too
Here's 1 or 2 (and a couple more in here if you're interested...)


ok 3...

Cheers, Jase
Here's 1 or 2 (and a couple more in here if you're interested...)


ok 3...

Cheers, Jase
Jase // www.stonesque.com
Are they yours? A 356 and long-hood in the same garage would be very nice!
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
Actually i was thinking more the third photo (the bright red 356C) was the tough one with the light as you see the flash reflection....
I might try cropping it - good idea
Not mine - they're in a mates business - he buys and sells them
Personally I'm more a Ferrari person - but hell i couldn't afford to run one of them!!!
thanks for looking
Jase // www.stonesque.com
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
Thanks - i was aiming for a sort of bounce glow off the cement floor and it sort of worked - not quite the spread i would have liked though
the background i toned down in PP just to de-emphasize it a bit
honestly i know the owner and will go back some other time and pick a car and take it to a more photo friendly location which will definitely help as trying to photograph cars with flashes in tight cramped spaces (with other photographers tripping your flashes off too) was reaaaaallll hard
but it's all on the path of learning
Jase // www.stonesque.com