Upload Problems
I'm having long delays receiving verification with all uploaders.
This has been an ongoing problem over the years. Many times it's the first signal that I'm having problems with my ISP's gear. I call them they test for packet loss and find it. They switch me to a different UBR and all is well or they have to do a repair in the field.
However lately I've been having this problem all the time and my ISP can't find any packet loss. When I ping smugmug I don't' get any packet loss either. So I contacted S*E support and smugmug support.
After doing some tests for smugmug support it seems to me that the line between me and them isn't' the problem. After trying different uploaders they all have the same problem with long delays for verification, sometimes over 8 minutes and in all cases longer than it took the photo to upload. I've tried the simple uploader, the new simple uploader and S*E. Nikolai at S*E said "With large files and slow connections timeouts can happen before the verification is received." He suggested turning off verification which I did and this allows S*E to work for the most part. Nikolai also indicated that others where having this problem.
So this lead me to send this to smugmug support:
When verification is turned off the uploads go fine.
However even your simple uploader has problems with waiting for the verification. It takes more time for the uploader to get the verification then it does to upload the actual file. In one instance yesterday it took over 8 minutes for the verification to arrive. I can't tell you exactly how long because I got bored waiting at the 8 minute mark.
According to Nikolai I'm not the only one having this problem. He thought it might even be a problem with S*E.
Since I've experienced the behavior with both S*E and the Simple Uploader I think the problem lies elsewhere. Also since packet routes aren't static once you're out side of your isp I don't think this is a problem with the network. Further, Nikolai and I do not have the same ISP yet he has confirmed that we both share the problem. We also share owning a Canon 5d2 and thus jpg's that are quit large.
I'd hazard to guess it's got something to do with the smugmugs servers. While I don't know the details of how the hash length is calculated I'd think it requires more time to calculate the hash for the larger files. As the numbers of Canon 5d2's increases I'm sure this problem is going to become worse unless something is done.
I've already noticed that there is much more time spent with the files processing the files before they are displayed then with my Canon 5d or my P&S cameras. I've also had this problem with the few medium format scans I've uploaded.
This is the response I received:
Hi Duane,
Thanks for contacting SmugMug.
Would you like to try a new uploader that is currently in development but that we think works really well?
Here's how:
http://upload.smugmug.com/photos/add.mg?AlbumID=xxxxxxx becomes
If there's anything else we can help you with, feel free to let us know at any time.
Support Hero
So I tried the new uploader. Still the same issue with long delays for verification. I then sent this message:
"Actually I would like is for S*E to get a verification code in a timely manner as it used to so that it works. I don't really see how a new uploader is going to get the code any faster than the current ones.
I did try the new uploader. It still has the long delay in getting a verification. I didn't want to discuss this publicly. But I guess a posting on dg is in order.
To which I got this response:
"Hi Duane,
Thanks for contacting SmugMug.
Yes, since Star Explorer is a third party application, we don't provide the help support for it directly. We do recommend Dgrin or going directly to the developers site at - http://www.starexplorer.com/
If there's anything else we can help you with, feel free to let us know at any time.
Support Hero
Why is it that I'm getting the feeling I'm in an endless do... until loop? Why is it I get the feeling I'm not writing understandable English?
I know I'm not the only one having this problem. It happens with all the uploaders, not just S*E. I've done the testing I was requested to do and have reported the same behaviour on all uploaders.
This has been an ongoing problem over the years. Many times it's the first signal that I'm having problems with my ISP's gear. I call them they test for packet loss and find it. They switch me to a different UBR and all is well or they have to do a repair in the field.
However lately I've been having this problem all the time and my ISP can't find any packet loss. When I ping smugmug I don't' get any packet loss either. So I contacted S*E support and smugmug support.
After doing some tests for smugmug support it seems to me that the line between me and them isn't' the problem. After trying different uploaders they all have the same problem with long delays for verification, sometimes over 8 minutes and in all cases longer than it took the photo to upload. I've tried the simple uploader, the new simple uploader and S*E. Nikolai at S*E said "With large files and slow connections timeouts can happen before the verification is received." He suggested turning off verification which I did and this allows S*E to work for the most part. Nikolai also indicated that others where having this problem.
So this lead me to send this to smugmug support:
When verification is turned off the uploads go fine.
However even your simple uploader has problems with waiting for the verification. It takes more time for the uploader to get the verification then it does to upload the actual file. In one instance yesterday it took over 8 minutes for the verification to arrive. I can't tell you exactly how long because I got bored waiting at the 8 minute mark.
According to Nikolai I'm not the only one having this problem. He thought it might even be a problem with S*E.
Since I've experienced the behavior with both S*E and the Simple Uploader I think the problem lies elsewhere. Also since packet routes aren't static once you're out side of your isp I don't think this is a problem with the network. Further, Nikolai and I do not have the same ISP yet he has confirmed that we both share the problem. We also share owning a Canon 5d2 and thus jpg's that are quit large.
I'd hazard to guess it's got something to do with the smugmugs servers. While I don't know the details of how the hash length is calculated I'd think it requires more time to calculate the hash for the larger files. As the numbers of Canon 5d2's increases I'm sure this problem is going to become worse unless something is done.
I've already noticed that there is much more time spent with the files processing the files before they are displayed then with my Canon 5d or my P&S cameras. I've also had this problem with the few medium format scans I've uploaded.
This is the response I received:
Hi Duane,
Thanks for contacting SmugMug.
Would you like to try a new uploader that is currently in development but that we think works really well?
Here's how:
http://upload.smugmug.com/photos/add.mg?AlbumID=xxxxxxx becomes
If there's anything else we can help you with, feel free to let us know at any time.
Support Hero
So I tried the new uploader. Still the same issue with long delays for verification. I then sent this message:
"Actually I would like is for S*E to get a verification code in a timely manner as it used to so that it works. I don't really see how a new uploader is going to get the code any faster than the current ones.
I did try the new uploader. It still has the long delay in getting a verification. I didn't want to discuss this publicly. But I guess a posting on dg is in order.
To which I got this response:
"Hi Duane,
Thanks for contacting SmugMug.
Yes, since Star Explorer is a third party application, we don't provide the help support for it directly. We do recommend Dgrin or going directly to the developers site at - http://www.starexplorer.com/
If there's anything else we can help you with, feel free to let us know at any time.
Support Hero
Why is it that I'm getting the feeling I'm in an endless do... until loop? Why is it I get the feeling I'm not writing understandable English?
I know I'm not the only one having this problem. It happens with all the uploaders, not just S*E. I've done the testing I was requested to do and have reported the same behaviour on all uploaders.
Hi Donkey,
Very rarely do we see this, but these problems prove to be vexing.
Nikolai can't speak for SmugMug, nor we for him. But I can try and help and we will get to the bottom of this. Sorry for the do loop!
We need to see some diagnostics...
1. Would you mind running a line quality test for us? You go here:
Sign up and run the test. Registration there is free. After you run the test, copy the link to the results for us. That will let us know if there is an issue with the line preventing photos from arriving to our servers. Post the link to the results when you get them.
This will tell us a lot.
Secondly, I want to run traceroutes both ways. If you need help running a traceroute to www.smugmug.com please holler. Thanks.
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that's got a huge amount of packet loss
And yeah, it would affect any uploading, ours, S*E, any of them
What does your ISP say when you show them that LQ Test?
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I called the ISP. They are supposed to have someone look at it tomorrow. They don't want to admit they have a problem. When they ping inside their network they don't have any loss.
The behaviour that is being blamed in the other tread on the UI is exactly what happens on my machine. It goes to 100% but is still uploading by watching the router and modem. I got a speed of 3.13mb/s and a time. If you just wait long enough it goes to the next file and uploads it.