Router Slowing Downloads and Uploads
I've been having some issues with Smugmug and getting my site to load in a reasonable time. Andy had me run some line test and we determined that I was having some packet loss.
I have since talked with my isp provider and have done some trouble shooting and it appears to be my router causing the problem. Everything works perfect when I connect the modem directly to my computer.
This problem appears to be only with Smugmug but I think it may just be the nature of the smugmug site that makes it more noticable than other sites.
Is it the phycial router that is causing this problem or the way I have the router set up. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Aaron.
I have since talked with my isp provider and have done some trouble shooting and it appears to be my router causing the problem. Everything works perfect when I connect the modem directly to my computer.
This problem appears to be only with Smugmug but I think it may just be the nature of the smugmug site that makes it more noticable than other sites.
Is it the phycial router that is causing this problem or the way I have the router set up. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Aaron.
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Sometimes it is both. Routers are little computers afterall, and there are bugs, and conflicts. As BradforBenn suggests, best first step is to 1)go to your router manufacturers support site, and make sure you have the latest firmware, upgrade as needed. 2) reset your router by pushing the reset button on the back, often a tiny, resessed button. Be sure to save your SSID, security and other personal settings. Best not to keep your ports, redirects or any other settings but your SSID and security type/password.
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