Seeking advice on photo selling

I am trying to sell this photo to a rock band and have started to send out some emails looking for interest.
What pitfalls should one look out for in a venture of this nature?
Is this the best way to go about it.. sending out emails looking for interest?
Should I be trying to contact the band itself or their label?
Thank you for any assistance.
I tried a search through the forum and really couldn't find the info.
What pitfalls should one look out for in a venture of this nature?
Is this the best way to go about it.. sending out emails looking for interest?
Should I be trying to contact the band itself or their label?
Thank you for any assistance.
I tried a search through the forum and really couldn't find the info.

Is this photo for a specific band, or just any band?
Honestly, I don't see why a band/management/label would buy this (or any other random photo just emailed to them) for promo or cd cover use. Most bands who are already signed to a label have their photos taken by a photographer hired by the label, and the photos are specific to how the band is being promoted.
If you are interested in this type of photography, you can start out by finding an up-and-coming local band and working with them and/or their management to create the photos they need.
Good luck !
The band I am contacting is "H.I.M."
This kid was at a skate park and his friend wrote the band name on his back, for some unknown reason. Since the band appeals to this type of look and group, I thought it might be fitting.