Website feedback?

I just finished what generally sounded like a grueling critique of a website for a fellow smugger. My turn.
Few things I do know of and have not changed yet. Proofreading, not done yet so there are the odd typo in the about me section. Not happy with the services section. Likely to revise prices and seerate my contact information to another section on the navbar.
Other then those little nits I am happy with the groundwork I have and look forward to adding many more photos this summer, and maybe even sell a few of them
Few things I do know of and have not changed yet. Proofreading, not done yet so there are the odd typo in the about me section. Not happy with the services section. Likely to revise prices and seerate my contact information to another section on the navbar.
Other then those little nits I am happy with the groundwork I have and look forward to adding many more photos this summer, and maybe even sell a few of them

Just kidding. I think your site looks very clean and professional. You already know about the typos, so I won't go there. Are you going to add the option to buy your photos?
I really like your small watermark on your photos.
The names (baby, teenager, parents, etc...) is a little confusing. At first I thought you charged $40 to take pictures of babies and then I realized it was the different sizes of your packages. I think it's cute, just a little confusing.
Not much else to critique, but I did bookmark your site and will be checking back often to see it develop. GOOD LUCK!
Doug and Cathy
I was trying something different with the names. Something a little more whimsy then A, B, etc... Not sure if I like it though.
Need a good way to watermark photos though. Since I only have the power account Smugmug will not watermark my images
The small watermark is an attempt to establish a brand symbology type of thing. The little camera will be shown on business cards, website, etc... Basically anything business related will have that camera. Only change I really need to make on the watermark is changing the text to direct people to the website.
Thanks for the look and comments.
If you're going to place the watermark on your photos yourself, are you also going to provide a different (unwatermarked) copy of the photo when someone purchases a print? I assume you are, just wanted to make sure...
Your logo? It's an interesting idea, but the image of the camera does not look very professional; in fact, it screams amateur to me. I would recommend simply removing it from your banner and using something else for your watermark. Of course that is a very personal opinion, and you obviously like the camera image or you wouldn't have used it in the first place. Just wanted to give you my impression of it; feel free to ignore!
I was also confused by the names of your packages.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at