Another string of Soccer photos
I see everyone else's, I'll add mine also... My kid is #10 in the yellow.
Click for the EXIF (trying Andy's trick)
***EDIT: Based on suggestions below, I replaced the first 3 pictures. They all have at least a slightly tighter crop. The first one I removed the photographer in the background. The second, I removed the opposing player over his right shoulder. ***

He usually plays Wing (usually Left Wing) but sometimes he gets stuck in the goal (he's not always happy about it). Early in the game the goalie got hurt and in he went. If the defense is good, it's all about the waiting...

Good game... Good game... Good game... Good game...
Click for the EXIF (trying Andy's trick)
***EDIT: Based on suggestions below, I replaced the first 3 pictures. They all have at least a slightly tighter crop. The first one I removed the photographer in the background. The second, I removed the opposing player over his right shoulder. ***

He usually plays Wing (usually Left Wing) but sometimes he gets stuck in the goal (he's not always happy about it). Early in the game the goalie got hurt and in he went. If the defense is good, it's all about the waiting...

Good game... Good game... Good game... Good game...

I like seeing a bit of motion blur in a sports photo like this, but that is just my taste right now! If you get the shutter speed just right for photos like #2, the torso will be sharp, but you will get a bit a blur in the legs, or arms, and/or ball. The motion gives the photo a sense of speed ...
Just my thoughts,
I know what you mean about the motion blur - it does add a better sense of motion. I guess I was just thinking fast shutter speed to get sharper pics. Unfortunately this was their last game for this season so it'll be a while before I have a chance to try again...:cry
You have great color and exposure on these. I try to follow advice I got from a fellow soccer photog -
shoot tight, crop tighter. Well I have trouble with the shoot tight thing cuz I am fairly uncoordinated and haven't mastered following play and changing focal length all at the same time. So I rely on crop tighter!
That is my only suggestion for your shots - a tighter crop. I tend to fill the frame with my subject, but will leave space for the subject or ball to move into.
He also advises:
face, contact, action, ball
as key elements in a soccer shot.
I have lots of shots that I really like that break rules along the way, but in general if I don't meet the above criteria, i pitch the shot.
Too bad about it being the end of the season - that never seems to come here. I think we get 1 month off in fall, and one off in early spring!
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if you know the girl in photo #1 then i say keep her in otherwise id photoshop her out.
good job,
I like your advice. I've replaced the first 3 photos with revised versions. They were all heavy crops before (I don't have much on the tele end) and are getting a little on the soft side. Do you think they look any better?
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Thanks for your $0.02 though. I took a quick browse through your galleries. Nice stuff. You've obviously have some experience in the area of soccer photos.
One question? Did you take all the images on you page with that camera (Sony F717) ? You have some of the best looking Landscape and Environmental images I have ever seen, the Barns and stuff are awesome..
Funny you mentioned the Barns. I was thinking just the other day that I needed to re-shoot a couple of those (may turn out some better results with the additional experience under my belt.
#2 has eyes and the ball with a sense of pending action. Very nice shot.
#3 is nice because it's anticipation. One way to shoot it would be to move
forward so you get eyes and face.
I think you did very well. Given a couple of more games, and you'll have
a knack for it.