
Softball Photos with my new 80-200 f2.8

Mike JMike J Registered Users Posts: 1,029 Major grins
edited April 15, 2009 in Sports
The Nikon 80-200 f2.8 AF ED lens (two-ring version) I purchased off of Ebay arrived on Thursday. I've never done softball games before but I decided to get to know this lens - along with the my new D300 (may the D80 rest in peace:D) at my daughter's game today.

First impressions: this lens is hefty. I don't have a battery grip for the D300 yet (I just ordered the Link Delight version a few days ago) and taking vertical shots was a workout!

All the samples below were shot at ISO200 in Aperture priority mode. Focusing mode was continuous and dynamic area. I used both the 21 point dynamic area mode and the 51 point 3D mode. Not sure I noticed much of a difference for these shots. Used the CH burst mode as well.

Here are some samples of what this lens/D300 was able to do - any comments and criticism gladly accepted:D The full gallery from today is located here: http://www.mikejulianaphotography.com/gallery/7875312_4Zh74#510526069_57GXd

#1 f2.8 1/800

#2 f2.8 1/2000

#3 f2.8 1/320

#4 f3.5 1/400

#5 f2.8 1/1250

#6 f2.8 1/1250

#7 f2.8 1/1000

#8 Post-game cupcake! f2.8 1/1250
Mike J

Comments and constructive criticism always welcome.


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    sportsshooter06sportsshooter06 Registered Users Posts: 194 Major grins
    edited April 12, 2009
    very nice snaps

    good luck
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    Mike JMike J Registered Users Posts: 1,029 Major grins
    edited April 13, 2009
    One thing I forgot to add - these shots are targeted to appeal to the parents (get their $'s). So any comments/criticism along those lines would be appreciated.
    Mike J

    Comments and constructive criticism always welcome.
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    ToshidoToshido Registered Users Posts: 759 Major grins
    edited April 13, 2009
    #4 is adorable. if one of them was my daughter i would defanitley buy that shot from you. #1 is very sweet as well.

    I do like them all as well.

    My only minor nit would be that it appears (to me) that in #8 you ended up focusing on the gairls hair behind her face and the close eye is soft because of it. i think it would have been a stronger image if the eye was sharp and hair soft.
    Still a nice shot though and I am willing to bet still more than good enough for a parent. it is only the critical photographer eye I am working on developing that sees that :)

    Last comment would be that to me (very uncalibrated monitor) the colors seem a little too saturated for my liking. Although I am still very guilty of over saturating my images :) Again probably something most parents would like as well though.
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    Mike JMike J Registered Users Posts: 1,029 Major grins
    edited April 13, 2009
    Toshido wrote:
    #4 is adorable. if one of them was my daughter i would defanitley buy that shot from you. #1 is very sweet as well.
    Thanks. The left half of #4 is my daughter...
    My only minor nit would be that it appears (to me) that in #8 you ended up focusing on the gairls hair behind her face and the close eye is soft because of it. i think it would have been a stronger image if the eye was sharp and hair soft.
    Agreed on this one. The focus point acually ended up on the button of her jersey. I was really disappointed since, again, this is my daughter.
    Last comment would be that to me (very uncalibrated monitor) the colors seem a little too saturated for my liking. Although I am still very guilty of over saturating my images :) Again probably something most parents would like as well though.
    Again I agree. Went a little too wild with the Vibrance slider in LR. I've backed it off a bit and the blues/greens are not so over-the-top.
    Mike J

    Comments and constructive criticism always welcome.
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    ErbemanErbeman Registered Users Posts: 926 Major grins
    edited April 14, 2009
    I think you've done a great job!! The colors look great!! Good use of Bokeh! The only bad thing is that one pic that was already discussed. You will surely get some sales with pics like that.
    Come see my Photos at:
    http://www.RussErbePhotography.com :thumb

    D700, D300, Nikkor 35-70 F/2.8, Nikkor 50mm F/1.8, Nikkor 70-200 AF-S VR F/2.8, Nikkor AF-S 1.7 teleconverter II,(2) Profoto D1 500 Air,SB-900, SB-600, (2)MB-D10, MacBook Pro
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    Mike JMike J Registered Users Posts: 1,029 Major grins
    edited April 15, 2009
    Erbeman wrote:
    I think you've done a great job!! The colors look great!! Good use of Bokeh! The only bad thing is that one pic that was already discussed. You will surely get some sales with pics like that.

    Thanks. I really like the 80-200. I visited your site. You have some awesome stuff there. thumb.gif
    Mike J

    Comments and constructive criticism always welcome.
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    ElaineElaine Registered Users Posts: 3,532 Major grins
    edited April 15, 2009
    These look great to me! thumb.gif I hope I can get shots this nice with my son's baseball team.

    Comments and constructive critique always welcome!

    Elaine Heasley Photography
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    Mike JMike J Registered Users Posts: 1,029 Major grins
    edited April 15, 2009
    Elaine wrote:
    These look great to me! thumb.gif I hope I can get shots this nice with my son's baseball team.

    Hi Elaine,

    Thanks. The thing I really learned is to take advantage of all of the gray days we have here in Oregon. Nothing is better than an overcast day.

    I will also admit that I was able to do some things with this age/ability that you probably can't get away with in other situations. I was able to sit at the end of the dugout on the 1st and 3rd base lines without too much fear of taking a ball in the forehead (or worse yet to the camera). I also knew that all of the girls would eventually hit the ball (off the tee if necessary) and would be running to 1st base. I also knew that outs would be rare so I could sit out of play behind 3rd base and get a good angle of them running 2nd to 3rd.

    Being able to situate myself also meant that at 200mm I was able to fill the frame. I'm not sure the 200mm reach would be enough otherwise.
    Mike J

    Comments and constructive criticism always welcome.
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