Four wishlist items, would like status updates
The good news is that business is picking up a bit. The bad news is that business is picking up a bit, and I'm getting busier, so I'm trying to address the weak points in my process and sales.
Item 1: Packages... I really need package pricing/discounts. I've seen discussions here quite a bit about these, but no timelines.
Item 2: Coupons. I'd really like to provide timed or sized event coupons to expand individual sales or push timely sales. Again, I believe this is coming, but my patience is wearing.
Item 3: Smaller digital downloads. Word is starting to spread among some of my customers that they can download my prints and print them themselves and they look "ok". Please allow for a "web-sized" download that is no bigger than 400px to the side that will not print well. 1mb is way too big.
Item 4: Order interception. I want to be able to modify orders before they are processed. This would include cancelling a print, changing the price, etc. If items #1 and #2 were addressed, I wouldn't need this as much, though.
As a paying pro, I'd like to see a more professional response than a "yeah, we'd like that too, and we're working on it" casual response. I need to find the best tools for the job, both today and tomorrow. Obviously, if my needs will be addressed soon, and I know when soon is, I prefer not to order new business cards and marketing meterial, but if I need to go look for a better service to make things work better for me, I need to know that. Unfortunately, it's hard to make an informed decision, because we aren't fully informed.
The good news is that business is picking up a bit. The bad news is that business is picking up a bit, and I'm getting busier, so I'm trying to address the weak points in my process and sales.
Item 1: Packages... I really need package pricing/discounts. I've seen discussions here quite a bit about these, but no timelines.
Item 2: Coupons. I'd really like to provide timed or sized event coupons to expand individual sales or push timely sales. Again, I believe this is coming, but my patience is wearing.
Item 3: Smaller digital downloads. Word is starting to spread among some of my customers that they can download my prints and print them themselves and they look "ok". Please allow for a "web-sized" download that is no bigger than 400px to the side that will not print well. 1mb is way too big.
Item 4: Order interception. I want to be able to modify orders before they are processed. This would include cancelling a print, changing the price, etc. If items #1 and #2 were addressed, I wouldn't need this as much, though.
As a paying pro, I'd like to see a more professional response than a "yeah, we'd like that too, and we're working on it" casual response. I need to find the best tools for the job, both today and tomorrow. Obviously, if my needs will be addressed soon, and I know when soon is, I prefer not to order new business cards and marketing meterial, but if I need to go look for a better service to make things work better for me, I need to know that. Unfortunately, it's hard to make an informed decision, because we aren't fully informed.
It's a shame since SM has such a quality offering within the features it does support. I understand the reasonings for not announcing targeted release dates, but the corporate industry tends to not react well to that strategy.
I write and sell software (CRM), too. If I told my customers that I "dunno when it's coming, but we're working on it" for over a year, they wouldn't be my customers any longer.
I'm really not trying to be antagonistic here, as I do love SM, and I love the "feel" of SM, but some of your users are *business* users. News (any news) regarding expected feature sets, timelines, etc. is hugely important as your current and prospective customers make decisions.
I understand you've hired more developer(s), so I don't think that feature development is low priority... from reading Don's blog, it appears that's what he wants to focus on... so if dev is a priority, I'm sure your dev methodology isn't "go work on it and tell us when it's done". If that's the process, I know several developers that would love to work in an environment with no deadlines. ;-)
Just some things to chew on, I guess.
I and we say, it's in the works right by a dedicated sorcerer - right now, being developed. This sorcerer has no other priority. Sorry, we don't give dates. But it's happening right now. a different Sorcerer is dedicated to coupons and is full-time engineering them right now. Thanks, we'll likely have this at some point as part of SmugMug Pro. You and others have asked. We'll try and do it. Can't change the price, I'm sorry, as that would require re-authorizing the credit card. Cancellations can be done via our help desk right now, today
I'm really glad you posted, and I hope I've answered your questions - if you have more, or if I've missed the mark, please holler.
Sorry we missed your post first time 'round - it can happen (though it's rare, based on all the posts I've answerd, 40,000+ holy schmoly I need a life
Thanks again!
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Thanks, Andy.
I watch (and have posted) in both those threads.
I beg, beseech, implore, (insert more synonyms) you to consider starting to release targets. Even if they are half-year or quarterly targets.
We all understand timelines slip from time to time, but hearing that something is probably coming in a certain 3-6 month window is very different than "sometime".
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