Bhutan [manda]
Hi all,
I've just completed my last grand tour of Asia before I go home to the UK after ten years over seas.
I was lucky enough to visit Bhutan, Land of the Thunder Dragon.
#1 This is actually wall painting in the Dzong, but I thought it might make a nice cover page to start my thread.

I've just completed my last grand tour of Asia before I go home to the UK after ten years over seas.
I was lucky enough to visit Bhutan, Land of the Thunder Dragon.
#1 This is actually wall painting in the Dzong, but I thought it might make a nice cover page to start my thread.

#2 I was incredibly fortunate to be invited in to watch the novice monks rehearsing their religious performances. The monks were actually embarrassed by our presence and I only snapped two shots before we took our leave.

Here's an ethical question for you .... I've merged two photos to combine the monks and nun in the same shot.
Hand my heart - I don't have any ethical qualms in doing this, my photos are just for fun and I don't submit them to competitions. I also think I've kept the integrity of the scene - they were just seconds apart.
Happy to receive c&c or flack for this confession!
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Great shot again!
Great feedback from every one - thanks for your thoughts.
I was trying to capture the blur on the drum as well as the flared skirt, without success!
Buddhists rotate the prayer wheels as they offer their prayers.
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I was hanging around the corridors when I heard some hustle and bustle. Swarms of monks passed by and I hurried to rattle off a couple of shots. The 'change of guards' was around 11am local time, I don't know if this is a regular routine, but it might help if you going to Bhutan yourself.
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Keep posting.............
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It is a nice juxtaposition that the guy in sweatshirt is moving the opposite way from the rest.. mhhmm a thinker..
This shot of children is very interesting and I like it a lot. Good work.
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This is a wonderful shot. Nice processing. Thanks for Sharing.
Educate yourself like you'll live forever and live like you'll die tomorrow.
In all you convey the long, long stretch of time the culture maintains - there is a feeling of changelessness, inertia, even primitiveness. But at the same time there is that chaotic flame of energy in the life of the people almost tipping the long, long balance, placidity, individual fiery storms in the expanse of tradition and religious practice, which reflect or are reflected by the energetic architectural decoration and design.
I don't think the nun inclusion is successful, and evidently you yourself are not comfortable with the licence it takes with cultural propriety.
You got the spin blur of the prayer wheel in the decorative frame nicely.
My favorite is the mother and kids at the window. Texture and color is very engaging, and the whistfulness of the mood is very affecting.
Why do you not note the gear and other shooting data? Many of us I think at dGrin cannot help but look at photos with a partly technical eye. We are not quite the same animal as those at Flickr!
I like ancient relics very much
I've seen your protrait thread and I have an extensive tutorial on how to process shots a la Lee Varis / Dr Brown / RetouchPRO.
thanks Mandy
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Neil: the threads are getting lost as I don't have a pro account any more.
Here are my two recent ones:
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exhibit great craftsmanship.
Thanks for taking me on this journey.
Fremont, CA
SmugMug Gallery
The light is so hazy that I sought refuge in isolated shots.
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